Strengthen TOT training for animal waste management

Date added: 01/12/15  |  Viewed: 2876

Bio-based animal waste treatment is a priority choice as it not only contributes to reducing environmental pollution but also helps households increase their income from selling related products such as compost. Organizing training for farmers and extension workers in the implementation of the training plan in 2015, the LCASP will organize training courses for farmers and extension workers. Low-carbon agricultural production technology in animal husbandry.

The objective of the TOT training is for the 10 participating provinces to provide quality human resources to train farmers in the provinces, contributing to raising awareness among people. People on environment in livestock and income. Disposal of animal waste is an urgent issue in the agricultural sector. However, the choice of treatment method depends on the specific condition of each household.

Currently, there are 3 main methods of biological treatment of animal wastes including biogas, organic compost, earthworms (worms). There are also many other measures to be applied such as drying cow dung for sale, microbial treatment, etc. In the training program of 2015, the Central LCASP Project Management Unit organized 3 training courses In Phu Tho, Nghe An and Can Tho for 120 teachers.

Attending the training courses, participants shared and exchanged experiences on issues related to animal waste treatment by biological treatment methods such as organic composting and worms (worms). After the theoretical part, the trainees were directly involved in direct implementation of the steps in the process of animal waste treatment.

According to Le Toan, the LCASP project management board in Phu Tho province, training of trainers for the provinces involved in the project is very necessary. This will be a key force for provincial project management units to continue implementing low carbon agricultural technologies to farmers, contributing to poverty reduction and environmental protection, reducing greenhouse gas emissions. . Phu Tho will soon organize training courses for farmers in 2015. " In the coming time, the Central LCASP will continue to organize TOT training courses on waste treatment in the fields of cultivation and aquaculture.

Chu Van

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