Baseline survey on biogas value chain in Soc Trang province

Date added: 15/06/16  |  Viewed: 2680

At the first working session, the delegation had a talk with the LCASP Project Management Board in Soc Trang Province to capture the situation of the project implementation in the province, especially in the activities of propaganda, training, construction / installation. Biogas works and related environmental items. From the beginning of the project to date, Soc Trang province has built about 1850 biogas plants, mainly KT2 tunnel and composite tunnel. Soc Trang Province has also printed and distributed posters, brochures and guides on operation and maintenance of biogas works to the people.

During the mission, the delegation conducted field survey in five districts of Soc Trang province including Ke Sach district, Tu My district, Nga Nam district, Thanh Tri district, and Tran De district. In the communes, the baseline survey consultant team interviewed the staff at the Commune People's Committee, the households in the tunnel under the project, the households outside the project, and the potential households. Have a tunnel. Most of the respondents expressed positive attitudes towards the benefits of the biogas plant they have built, such as handling odors in livestock pens, producing gas for heating purposes. Using domestic wastewater and biogas wastewater to irrigate trees or fish, etc. In addition, households have not built biogas plant, The LCASP project team also expressed interest and interest in participating in the project. After the mission, the delegation collected a lot of comments and comments from local officials as well as livestock producers to contribute to the development project and bring many benefits to people and communities. More copper.

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