Son La - Training in comprehensive management of waste in agriculture

: Thursday - 27/04/2017 11:10  |  Viewed: 1396
During the 03 days (23-25 ​​/ 11/2016), the Son La Provincial Agricultural Extension Center in collaboration with the Yen Chau District Agricultural Extension Station Organize training course on comprehensive management of agricultural waste.


Along with the development of science, technology, socio-economic, with the achievements and advances in science and technology. One of the issues that are of great concern now is greenhouse gas emissions, climate change has been occurring with increasingly complex developments. Of which the agricultural production has released a huge amount of toxic gas. These gases will continue to increase in the coming time in line with the world's food and foodstuffs demand, affecting all aspects of life, economy and society.

The purpose of the training was to improve the management of animal waste, by-product waste from biogas plants; Reduce environmental pollution; Create clean energy sources, bio-organic fertilizers and clean development mechanism (CDM) revenues. Strengthening the application of proven agricultural waste management technologies; Promote the use of renewable energy and microorganic fertilizer from agricultural waste; To replicate the application of waste management technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to improve the livelihoods and quality of life of rural people. Capacity building for stakeholders and the dissemination of knowledge and skills in the application of low-carbon agricultural production technologies to beneficiaries.

Participants in the training course were disseminated a number of contents: Introduction to the Low Carbon Agricultural Project (LCASP); Agricultural waste management (Crop and livestock waste management); Technical measures for comprehensive management of agricultural waste. Particularly, the trainees were given a practical tour of the breeding model and practice of biopsy in poultry breeding and microbial composting in Yen Chau Town.

After the training, the trainees are qualified and certified; At the same time, this will be a core team in model building; Propaganda and mobilization of farmers to apply measures to manage animal waste and cultivation; To guide the process of building and operating biogas digester, biological padding in raising pigs and chickens; Utilizing agricultural by-product waste to compost organic micro-organisms in order to comprehensively manage agricultural wastes efficiently and sustainably.
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