Report on the situation of livestock development in Lao Cai province in the period of 2010 - 2015, development orientation to 2020

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The situation of livestock development in Lao Cai province

No .: 59 / BC - SNN
Lao Cai, 26 February 2016

The situation of livestock development in Lao Cai province from 2010 to 2015,
Development orientation to 2020

Implementing Document No. 156 / CN-GSL, dated 17/02/2016 of the Department of Livestock Development on livestock development policy in the northwest. The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Lao Cai province reports on the situation of livestock development in the period 2010 - 2015, the situation of the implementation of the project on the restructuring of the livestock sector and the planning and solutions for livestock development in 2016. -2020, as follows:


I. The situation of livestock development in the period 2010-2015

1. Total herd and livestock output (as of 01/10/2015)

- The general herd of livestock has been declining for several years due to the complicated epidemic, the effect of the severe cold weather, the grazing area has been reduced, some lowland livestock households have not. Demand for traction; Hence, the herds of cattle are only raised to maintain total growth.

+ The number of buffaloes is 124,982, 92% compared with 2010 (134,922 heads). The number of cattles was 7,780 heads, reaching 89% with 2010 (8,738 heads). Meat production was slightly out of 1,902 tons, reaching 114.8% compared to 2010 (1,657 tons). The average growth rate of the period 2010-2015 is -1.52%, the production value of buffalo farming accounts for 5.9% of the structure of the livestock sector.

+ 16,410 cows, 70% higher than 2010 (23,434 children). The number of pigs was 2,725, 88.6% compared with 2010 (3,075). The meat production was 455 tons, reaching 107% compared to 2010 (425 tons). The average growth rate of cattle in the period 2010-2015 is (-6.88%), the value of cattle production accounts for 1.2% of the structure of livestock production.

The production of bovine meat increased while the number of cows was reduced. The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Lao Cai in 2015 coordinated with the Lao Cai Statistical Office to re-determine the weight of cattle .

Key cattle districts such as Si Ma Cai, Bac Ha, Bao Yen, Van Ban.

- Total livestock and poultry have been paid attention in the past years. Livestock producers have mainly contributed towards rapid development in terms of quantity, types and sizes. Improve productivity, quality, create volume of products to ensure food hygiene and safety. The focus is the districts of Bao Thang, Bat Xat, Muong Khuong.

+ Pig herd 506,056, reaching 110.2% compared to 2010 (459,303 children). The number of cats was 716,567, which was 158.2% higher than that of 2010 (453,012 heads). Meat production was slightly increased to 45,080 tonnes, up 150% from 2010 (26,728 tonnes). The average growth rate in the period 2010-2015 is 1.96%, the production value of pig production accounts for 66.8% of the structure of livestock sector.

+ 3.476 thousand birds, up 120.7% compared to 2010 (2,881 thousand children). Number of cows was 4,360 thousand, reaching 294,2% over the same period in 2010 (1,482 thousand). The yield of porker was raised to 7,428 tons, 372% higher than that of 2010 (1,997 tons) over the same period of 2010. The average growth rate in the period 2010-2015 was 3.86%, the production value of husbandry Holding 23.2% of the internal structure of the livestock sector.

(With attached appendix)

2. Breeding structure for each type of animal

- Buffalo, completely buffalo. However, Lao Cai province has some good buffalo breeds in Bao Yen district, Bac Ha province, which are large buffalo with large stature of over 600 kg, 550 kg female Will Bao Yen buffalo contest in 2007). At present, Bao Yen district is implementing the project of developing herd and branding Bao Yen buffalo. At the same time, the Institute of Animal Husbandry is also building a Bao Yen buffalo conservation and development project. These programs and projects will contribute to renovating and improving the quality of the buffalo herd of the district, creating a good buffalo breeding area of ​​the province.

- Cow breeds, mainly local yellow cows of small stature, average weight adult females 160-180 kg, males reach 250 kg. In Muong Khuong districts, Si Ma Cai has large breeds of cattle in high stature, females can reach 200-250 kg, males can reach 300-350 kg. At present, there are only 178 cows in the province.

The cattle breeding project produced 380 cows, reaching 25.3% of the target (1,500). The cause of not reaching the goal due to artificial insemination project of cattle has been finished since 2012, currently in the province halted the implementation of artificial insemination for cattle.

- Pig: The total number of sow in the province is 69,627, of which local sows make up 60% (41,800 heads). Mong Cai sows approximately 4% (equivalent to 2,800); Domestic and foreign sows make up 36% (25,000). The sow and hybrid sows are mainly located in Bao Thang district and lowland communes of Van Ban, Bao Yen, Muong Khuong, Bac Ha and Bat Xat districts.

The total number of breeding boars was 3,487, of which crossbred males and sires made direct breeding and artificial insemination were 218, accounting for 6.3%. The major breeds of pigs are Yorkshire, Landrace, Piétrain, Duroc. The quality of the boars is not good, mainly local pigs, inbreeding or hybrid pigs, so the quality of the breed produced is low and the productivity is poor.

Of the 65% of porkers were crossbred and 35% of local pigs.

In the lowlands, the change of pig breed structure in recent years has been quite good, especially in Bao Thang district, mainly producing and breeding F1 and F2 crossbreds (3/4 of foreign blood), accounting for 75% Pig-like structure.

In the uplands, most (over 80%) breed local pig breeds (Muong Khuong pigs, local black pigs). These breeds have the advantage of high quality meat, good taste, good consumer taste, good resistance; But weakness slow down, poor reproduction.

- Poultry breeds: Chicken breeds: local chicken breeders (chickens and highland chickens) make up about 60% of the total population. In Muong Khuong, Bac Ha and Si Ma Cai districts there are rare black chicken, High economic value; Breeding chickens (gardening, crossbreeding, Ho ...) make up about 25% of the total; Industrial chicken breeds account for about 15%. Waterfowls have some duck varieties with good meat quality (Duck Chewing Duck, Nghi Do duck ...), duckling Dai Phuc ducks, French.

3. The situation of livestock breed production

The province has no breeding stock, poultry grandparents to produce parents. Production of breeds of livestock producers is mainly based on traditional experience, not much attention to the selection and selection of breeds, so inbreeding has reduced the quality of breeding, leading to The productivity and efficiency of husbandry are not high (especially for buffaloes, cattle, horses and black pigs).

- Pig production: Most households and livestock farms actively produce fingerlings from 1 to 10 sow; Some farms and farms have imported pigs from 10 to 50 sows. With a total of 69,627 sows in the province, production meets more than 95% of the local demand for seed. Farmers mostly self-produce seed, only a few breeding farms imported pig breeds. On basic production of pigs to meet the demand of raising livestock, the number of pigs imported into the province is small, with an average of 2,000 - 3,000 animals / year (Quarantine data of the Department of Animal Health). However, the need to use foreign sows to replace large local sows and sows. Lao Cai Department of Agriculture and Rural Development has cooperated with Da Ba Co., Ltd to build the link to produce and consume animal products safely.

- Production of poultry breeds: Local breeds of chicken, ducks and ducks raise their own breeds in the form of natural, self-sufficient and self-sufficient breeds. At present, the province has 01 poultry breed production base in Bao Thang district. In 2015, it produces about 700,000 commercial poultry breed (mainly chicken and duck) which meet 50% of the demand. Breeds for farms, farms, farms. Approximately 50% of the total number of varieties must be imported from the downstream provinces (industrial poultry breeds, turfgrass), mostly imported from downstream provinces. Every year, about 0.5 - 0.7 million species of all kinds.

4. Mode of farming

- Lowlands are shifting from farmer to farmer, farmer, industrial and semi-industrial. Main animals are pigs and poultry. The pig breed structure accounts for 90% of that of crossbred and foreign pigs; Over 80% of households are industrialized. Poultry breeds are mainly indigenous, chickens, and some industrial poultry. Industrial and semi-industrial poultry farming accounts for about 30% of the total.

In the two years 2014 and 2015, Lao Cai province has been supporting 358 breeding facilities to invest in the construction and development of livestock breeding to ensure the condition of farm economy certification (as of February 2016 298 certified farms); Creating favorable conditions for attracting enterprises to invest in the construction of hi-tech breeding farms, there are currently 04 enterprises registering to build 200-1,200 sow and 3,000-10,000 sow. 01 poultry breeding center with 30-35 thousand heads.

- The uplands mainly develop cattle and other indigenous animals of high economic value and competitiveness such as native chickens, indigenous black pigs, hybrid pigs ... Black pigs, Indigenous poultry occupies over 80% of the total population. At present, in Bac Ha, Si Ma Cai and Muong Khuong districts, there are many livestock raising buffalos and buffalos. After 2 to 3 months, the farmers earn VND 2-5 million / head.

However, the main livestock farming method is still backward, small, traditional. The technical level of animal husbandry, poor facilities (breeding facilities, animal husbandry equipment), especially in disease prevention and treatment and environmental pollution treatment. The treatment of environmental pollution by gas tank Biogas has about 3,000 tanks, accounting for 3.5% of households raising the whole province. Production of livestock commodities in the direction of farms, farms and industry has initially developed In some localities, specifically on livestock farming methods for each type of animal:

- Large cattle breeding:

The scale of each household is from 1-5 children, extensive livestock farming, grazing or loose in the forest, taking advantage of food available in nature. Hence, livestock often suffers from hunger in the winter, especially in the highland areas where frosts are found. The addition of concentrate feed is very limited, so not enough for the needs of growth and development of livestock.

Most of the households have a sense of stocking dried straw but small quantity, if the weather is cold long cold is not enough supply for herds. Number of husbandry farmers actively grow grass, processing food is not much.

The rate of households keeping cages to protect the cold is 64.3%, the households have cages but not sure to prevent cold 25.3%, the remaining 10.9% have no cages. Therefore, the cold and cold long years, the risk of dead cattle is very great.

- Pig farming:

Lowlands, in recent years raising pigs have many positive changes. Semi-industrial husbandry accounts for 80% of the total population, with a household size of 1-10, accounting for 90%. The food is mainly used in agricultural production and on the spot (bran, maize, cassava ...), byproducts: alcohol residue, tofu residue, supplemented with industrial feed. Pigs are mostly F1 pigs, F2 pigs and few foreign pigs. Therefore, productivity and quality have also improved significantly.

Livestock production in the direction of farms, industrial farms has also been formed, however in small numbers. The whole province has 170 pig farms certified mainly in Bao Thang district.

In the uplands, most of them still breed local pig breeds. Many households raise their grazing food, mainly corn, bran, cassava and vegetables. Pigs are slow growing, poor reproduction and low productivity. However, the quality of the meat is good, easy to consume and the price is higher than the hybrid breed so the local breed is now quite well developed.

- Poultry breeding:

Small scale livestock husbandry under 50 accounts for nearly 90%, semi-free and grazing. Poultry breeding in this way is mostly chicken, duck, local duck, delicious meat quality, satisfy the tastes of consumers.

Poultry farming in the direction of farms, industrial farms occupy 17% of the total herd, meat production accounts for over 30% of the total output of poultry meat. Currently, the whole province has 90 poultry farms (according to old criteria), of which the majority is in Bao Thang district.

5. Number of farms

Currently, in the province, the type of animal husbandry in the direction of industrial farms is growing, with a total of 298 breeding farms / a total of 322 farms in the province (of which 121 poultry farms, 170 pig farms, 06 big cattle ranchs, 01 goat farm. Livestock industry mainly contributes to rapid development in terms of quantity, type and scale; Improve productivity, quality, create volume of products to ensure food hygiene and safety.

6. The area of ​​grassland

The total area of ​​grass planted in the province increased from 1,031.8 hectares in 2011 to 2,100 hectares in 2015; The annual output is estimated to be about 500 thousand tons, meeting about 35% of the demand for green food for the total herd. The grass is mainly grass, VA06 grass is high productivity, easy to grow, especially grass VA06 cold tolerance in winter is quite good, can be processed as food reserve for livestock.

In addition to the area of ​​grass planted, some highland districts (Bac Ha, Muong Khuong) sow about 114 hectares of thick maize with the yield of about 1,500 tons. Maize leaves have high nutritional value, when used in combination with dry straw to provide a balanced diet of quality.

7. Overall evaluation

- Over the past five years, the livestock sector of Lao Cai province has developed rapidly and in a sustainable manner: the growth rate of production value of animal husbandry has reached 19.45% / year, Target 9.19% (plan 10.26% per year); Livestock production structure in the agricultural sector increased from 30.4% in 2011 to 40.9% in 2015; Meat production growth rate reached 17.02% per year, livestock products have basically met the needs of the province and some products are sold to other provinces.

- Lowland livestock has had positive changes in breeding methods and techniques. Livestock farming, farm-oriented industry has been initially developed. New varieties (exotic pigs, hybrid pigs, high yielding poultry breeds, mixed greens ...), industrial feeds put into production have impacted on productivity and quality. And effective breeding.

The profit of an annual farm is 70-300 million. Farm economy has positively impacted the agricultural and rural economic restructuring as a model of production organization and business management under the market mechanism in rural areas, creating a positive model. In agriculture, forestry and fishery production so that people in the province and some neighboring provinces visit and learn from experience.

The result is that Lao Cai province has some favorable conditions, but besides, it also faces many difficulties.

7.1. Advantage:

- The Resolution of the 19th Provincial Party Congress of Lao Cai has identified "Considering the development of agriculture and new rural construction is the focus" so agricultural production in general, including the livestock sector has received Attention, direct guidance of the provincial Party Committee, People's Council, People's Committee and branches and levels.

- The province has a number of good quality domestic and domestic poultry species that are well-liked by the market and have competitive advantages compared to other conventional livestock products in the provinces. (Black pig, indigenous chicken, highland bull, Bao Yen buffalo ...);

- The market for animal husbandry products is still potential due to the development of tourism and industry in the province.

2.2. Difficult:

- Small and scaled cattle and poultry raising accounts for over 90%; Condition of facilities and technical level of animal husbandry is limited, particularly knowledge on disease prevention; Uncontaminated livestock waste causes environmental pollution ... This is the cause of diseases in livestock and poultry.

- In recent years, due to impacts of climate change, heavy cold and bad weather have caused great damage to livestock production.

- Pig and poultry raising is risky due to high price of food, unstable market.

- Human resources for the livestock sector are lacking and weak: some agricultural departments do not have staff specialized in animal husbandry; Some paravet staff are weak in professional capacity, so they have not consulted much for communal authorities to direct production and state management of livestock in the area.

- At present, there are no establishments producing breeding breeds of domestic animals and poultry. Seed production on the spot mainly in the traditional way of poor quality. In the case of industrial poultry, semi-grazed chickens have to import more than 90% from the upstream provinces (about 01 million heads per year).

- State investment in livestock is still low. Programs, projects, policies supporting livestock are still primarily given priority for the poor, so it is not encouraged to produce goods.

II. Situation of the project to restructure the livestock sector

1. Objectives to 2020

- Conduct restructuring of the livestock sector in view of the overall restructuring of the agricultural sector, in line with the master plan of the agricultural sector and livestock planning. The average growth rate of the livestock sector is 6% per year; Production value accounts for 42% of the value of agricultural production.

- To develop husbandry in the direction of raising added value and sustainable development in order to meet the food demand for consumption in the province, nearby provinces, domestic water and export. Expand the consumption market of animal products outside the province, the annual sale of about 6 - 7 thousand tons of meat of all kinds.

- Forming food belts for urban, tourist and industrial zones based on the closed chain of animal products from farm to table to ensure food safety and epidemiological safety. Disease, environmental protection. Meat yields reached 50,833 tons. Of which 40,500 tons of pork, 7,500 tons of poultry, 1,830 tons of beef, 507 tons of meat, 155 tons of meat, goat meat of 131 tons and other meat of 210 tons. Egg yield reached 54.5 million.

- To bring into full play the competitive advantages of each locality and region so as to raise special livestock and high-value indigenous breeds based on available local animal feed ingredients.

2. Results of implementation of the restructuring project in 2014-2015

Based on Lao Cai's livestock development planning to 2010 and orientation to 2030, it was approved in Decision No. 2545 / QĐ-UBND dated 10/9/2014 by Lao Cai PPC. Department of Agriculture advises and recommends policies to encourage the development of animal husbandry: Decision No. 38/2014 / QD-UBND of Lao Cai People's Committee on stipulating policies to support agricultural production; Supporting the development of animal husbandry in farms, industrial breeding facilities and cattle slaughterhouses in Lao Cai; Decision No. 44/2015 / QD-UBND dated 25/9/2015 promulgating regulations on preferential policies for investment in agriculture and rural areas in Lao Cai province for the period 2015-2020.

2.1. The result of conversion of livestock mode

Lao Cai has formed quite clearly the breeding areas:

- The lowland initially shifts strongly from farmer to farmer, farmer, industrial and semi-industrial. Main animals are pigs and poultry. The pig breed structure accounts for 75% of that of exotic and crossbred pigs; Over 80% of households are industrialized. Poultry breeds are mainly indigenous, chickens, and some industrial poultry. Livestock poultry industry, semi industry accounts for about 30% of the total.

Over the past few years, nearly 300 breeding facilities have been supported to invest in the construction and development of animal husbandry to ensure the conditions for granting farm economy certificates; To create favorable conditions for enterprises to invest in the construction of hi-tech breeding farms, there are currently 02 enterprises registering to build 300-600 sows and 3,000-6,000 porkers. 01 poultry breeding center with 30-35 thousand heads.

- The uplands with large land advantages, low population density develop special and valuable domestic animals of high economic value and competitiveness, meeting the market demand, especially for the population. Tourists: buffalos, cows, horses, specialty pets such as indigenous chickens, indigenous black pigs, garden chickens, wild pigs ... Black pigs and indigenous poultry make up 80% of the total paste.

2.2. Form of organization linked in the product chain from production to meat field

It has begun to form the linkages of production in livestock. Typically there are models:

- The husbandry cooperative of Quy Hien commune, Bao Thang district has 46 farmers who are very effective in raising livestock. The average profit per household is 250-300 million VND per household.

- Local black pig breeds are well established and developed. Black pig breeding groups are established in Bat Xat and Muong Khuong districts. Link production, consumption of products with the slaughter business. Currently, we are promoting the brand name black pig Lao Cai native. Black pig market is expanding in big cities (Ha Noi, Nam Dinh, Hai Phong ...)

- The Bao Yen buffalo breeding and branding project has been implemented. The project has supported the improvement of the buffalo herd quality, the establishment of buffalo breeding cooperatives and the construction of the Bao Yen buffalo brand. Bao Yen district is planning to organize branding activities (buffalo contest, buffalo fighting, buffalo market building ...).

- Develop and develop white pig product chain in Bao Thang district, Bac Ha.

- The province has a policy to support the registration and protection of trademarks of products, including agricultural products. Support level 30 million / product brand.

III. Livestock development planning and solutions for 2016-2020

1. Objectives to 2020

- Meat output of all types of meat reached 50,833 tons. Of which 40,500 tons of pork, 7,500 tons of poultry, 1,830 tons of beef, 507 tons of meat, 155 tons of meat, goat meat of 131 tons and other meat of 210 tons.

- Egg production reached 54.5 million.

- The average product is 71 kg live weight and 76 eggs / person / year.

- The total production value of livestock (at current prices) reached VND 2,724.787 billion, of which the production value of pigs reached VND1,809,258 billion, poultry reached VND 694,820 billion, buffaloes reached VND 106,266 billion, Cattle 27,247 billion, horses reached 13,623 billion, goats reached 13,623 billion, other livestock reached 21.79 billion and livestock products reached 38.16 billion.

- Expand the market of animal products outside the province, selling about 6 - 7 thousand tons of meat of all kinds.


+ Pig production: reached 640,000 (an average growth of 4.03% / year), production reached 40,500 tons (average growth of 6.06% / year).

Lowland: Focus on transformation, development of livestock in the direction of farms, farms, large livestock industry near the slaughtering facilities in the province.

Upland: Promote the development of native black pigs in the household.

+ Poultry raising: reaching 4.4 million (average growth of 4.73% per year); Meat production was 7,500 tons (average growth of 7.02% / year), egg production reached 54.5 million fruits (average growth was 7.63% / year)

Lowland: Strongly develop chickens, including imported breeds, hybrid chickens (Eastern algae, Ho chicken, hybrid chickens and imported chicken breeds).

Upland: Development of indigenous poultry species with high economic value (black chicken, duck pot, Siang Chek duck, Nghia Do duck ...).

- Buffalo raising: reaching 130,000 (1.05% / year), production reached 1,830 tons (average growth of 1.71% / year).

- Cattle: reached 18,000 (average growth of 3.07% / year), output reached 507 tons (average growth of 2.15% / year).

- Horse breeding: reached 11,000 (an average growth of 1% / year), output reached 155 tons (average growth of 1.67% / year).

- Goat breeding: reached 30,000 (average growth of 2.43% / year), production reached 131 tons (average growth of 2.01% / year).

2. Development orientation of livestock development

Based on topographic features and production practices, Lao Cai livestock development planning is divided into two main areas:

- Highlands with large land strengths, low population density include Si Ma Cai, Bac Ha, Muong Khuong and Sa Pa districts, some highland communes of Van Ban and Bat Xat districts develop livestock Buffalo meat, beef, horse meat, special pets such as indigenous chickens, indigenous black pigs, garden chickens, hybrid pigs;

Lowland areas include Bao Thang, Bao Yen, Lao Cai and some lowland communes of Van Ban, Bat Xat, Muong Khuong and Bac Ha districts, focusing on developing chicken, pig and waterfowl farming. , Industrial, semi-industrial farms. In particular, Bao Yen district preserves Bao Yen buffaloes, develops buffalo breeding;

- Based on the actual situation and the planning of the province, identify areas not developed livestock, limited areas for livestock development and key areas for livestock development.

+ The area not raising cattle and poultry includes communes and wards in inner cities, inner cities and industrial parks.

+ Livestock production restriction zones include urban belt communes, towns and townships where populations are concentrated.

+ The key areas for animal husbandry development include communes with convenient roads, land areas for livestock development, and conditions for livestock development without affecting the environment.

2. Solution

2.1. About the same

It is the most important solution leading to the productivity and efficiency of breeding.

- Support a number of enterprises to build 01-02 pig breeding farms and 02 breeding chicken farms to produce enough breeds for production in the province.

- Development of 01 artificial insemination station in each district in the form of socialization, artificial insemination network.

- Selective, selective, cross-breeding bulls avoid the phenomenon of mating to improve the quality of breeding. Enhance the importation of high-yielding breeds of cattle and poultry and diversify sources of inputs and genetic materials for breeding and propagation.

2.2. About food

- Construction of 01 food processing factory, capacity of 30-40 thousand tons / year (mainly concentrate food).

- Inspecting and evaluating feed business establishments, monitoring the feed list and taking analytical samples to ensure the quality of animal feed sources in the localities.

- Disseminate knowledge about nutrition, mix formula suitable for each stage of development of livestock and poultry for the farmers to mix the food, take advantage of integrated agricultural products in combination. With industrial food to ensure nutrition and reduce the cost of food.

- Assay, select and put into production grass varieties of high productivity, good quality and good growth in the crop.

2.3. About the market and trade promotion

Promoting value chains develops on the basis of promoting linkages between producers, processors and businesses to create a strong link between production and marketing.

2.4. About the veterinary work

- Improve the capacity of the veterinary system to ensure control of disease outbreaks on livestock. Develop and implement effective "pest management in the community".

- Establish a disease diagnosis station of the province and proceed to set up a disease diagnosis center to diagnose and detect dangerous diseases.

- To well carry out the work of vaccination for dangerous diseases; To intensify the inspection and control of animal breeding conditions, animal quarantine and veterinary hygiene. Develop replication of the model of disease-free basis.

2.5. On extension

To build and expand models and typical models of animal husbandry production to ensure food safety, disease safety and high efficiency.

2.6. On environmental protection

- Conversion of small scale farming, household farming, livestock farming and semi-industrial breeding.

- Develop regulations on animal waste disposal; To select advanced environmental treatment technologies to meet environmental requirements, low cost, convenient in use such as creating biogas gas, using biological padding, producing fertilizer products from waste.

2.7. About the policy

- Implementing and concretizing investment encouragement policies under the Government's Decree No. 210/2013 / ND-CP on policies to encourage enterprises to invest in agriculture and rural areas.

- Based on government policies, the province needs to institutionalize into specific, feasible, and local policies.

- To study interest rate support for a number of important projects such as setting up hi-tech breeding establishments, slaughtering establishments, and investing in animal husbandry.

IV. Recommendations, suggestions

It is proposed that the Government and other ministries and central agencies have a policy mechanism to support the development of animal husbandry in accordance with the characteristics of the North West provinces, specifically:

1. Supporting the production of livestock breeds:

- Support to build good breeding areas for buffaloes and cows (Bao Yen Breeding Area, Highland Yellow Cattle ...); To support a number of new high-yield varieties suitable to the ecological conditions of the region in order to improve and raise the quality of the province's herds.

- Assisting enterprises to invest in the establishment of conservation, research and production facilities for breeding pigs and poultry indigenous (black pigs, black chickens, Sin Chek ducks, Nghia Do ducks ...) New productivity, high quality.

2. Support the construction of a feed mill in Lao Cai province.

3. Support the upgrading of livestock markets in Lao Cai province.

4. There is a policy to support the development of linkage with safe consumption of animal products.

Above is the report on the situation of livestock development in Lao Cai province in the period of 2010-2015, orientation to 2020 and some proposals and recommendations of Lao Cai province, the Department of Animal Husbandry to report ./.


Nguyen Van Tuyen

- Department of Livestock;
- Department leaders;
- Save: VT, CNTY.



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