Report on the results of the first quarter implementation and implementation plan of the project to support the low-carbon agriculture in the second quarter of 2015 in Phu Tho province

: Monday - 12/09/2016 10:20  |  Viewed: 1321
Implementing the guidance of the ADB Donor and the Central Project Management Unit of the Low Carbon Agriculture Project, the Project Management Unit (PMU) of Phu Tho Province reported the implementation of the first quarter of 2015 and the plan The project implementation quarter II / 2015 as follows:


1. Results of the first quarter

Component 1: Livestock waste management

- Subcomponent 1.1. Comprehensive management of animal waste and development of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)

Not implemented yet.

- Subcomponent 1.2. Support the development of biogas works

Deploying to localities registered for building biogas works in 2015, up to now 2934 households have registered to build small biogas works; 10 households registered to build medium and large biogas plants.

Organize for households registered to build biogas biogas plant construction. In the first quarter of 2015, 400 biogas plants will be built; Accumulated from the beginning of the project: 1900 biogas plants were built.

Component 3. Transfer of low carbon agricultural production technologies

Not yet implemented, waiting for guidance of LCASP Central Project Management Board.

Component 4: Project Management

To comply with current state regulations and project implementation manual.

2) Accumulating the volume of value of jobs from the beginning of the program or project to the time of reporting.

- 16 seminars on dissemination of policies, standards on biogas technology, comprehensive management of animal wastes, clean development mechanism in animal husbandry and applied research Low carbon technology in 13 districts.

- Organize for households who have registered to build Biogas biogas digester. By the end of September 2014, 1900 biogas plants were built.

- Organize 01 training and teacher training (TOT) workshop on biogas technology, safe husbandry and waste management (05 days per class, 40 people)

- 01 training course for technicians, mason and biogas installer (05 days per class, 40 people);

- Organize training for 1500 turns of farmers on the operation of biogas plants to ensure the environment in animal husbandry.

- Supervision and monitoring of 649 biogas plants in operation on the total of 1900 biogas plants under construction.

- To carry out the inspection, supervision and collection of biogas plant database in the whole province of Phu Tho according to the Official Letter No. 2176 / DANN-LCASP dated 26/8/2014 of the Central Management Board According to the project, the province has 12,939 biogas plants and 12,109 potential biogas plants.

- Organized 01 study tour to exchange experiences on biogas technology and animal waste management in 2 provinces of Ha Tinh and Binh Dinh.

II. RESULTS OF QUARTERLY DECLARATION I / 2015: Disbursements have not been made


1. Organization:

Keep the organization as it is today

2. Professional career:

Component 1: Livestock waste management

- Subcomponent 1.1. Comprehensive management of animal waste and development of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)

Deploying the news in Phu Tho to propagandize the comprehensive management of animal waste; Constructing 01 propaganda theme on comprehensive management of animal waste for broadcasting on Phu Tho province television, is expected to broadcast 10 times in the second quarter of 2015.

Organized 03 seminars to select criteria and livestock producers will build medium and large scale biogas plant (01 day per class, 38 people).

- Organizing 35 training courses on biogas plant operation, ensuring the environment in animal husbandry (02 days for each class, 23 people).

- Subcomponent 1.2. Support the development of biogas works

Organize for households registered to build biogas biogas plant construction. It is expected that in the second quarter of 2015, 500 biogas plants will be built / installed.

Component 3. Transfer of low carbon agricultural production technologies

Not yet implemented, waiting for guidance of the Central PMU.

Component 4: Project Management

To comply with current state regulations and project implementation manual.

3. Provincial counterpart fund, expected disbursement in quarter II
- The province's reciprocal capital plan: VND 87,000,000, of which:
+ Salary: 87 million VND
- Expected disbursement: 87 million VND


1. Advantages
- The staff of the Provincial Project Management Unit are the staff who have participated in the implementation of the QSEAP and the QSEAP. Therefore, the implementation of this project does not meet many confused, difficult.
- The technicians and masonry staffs of the districts have much experience in the province.

- In localities, the biogas plants that have been constructed in previous years have achieved good results, so when implementing this project in the locality, many people are enthusiastic. Respond and register to participate.

- During the implementation process, the PMU received much attention and facilitated the work of the Central Management Board of the Low Carbon Agriculture Project, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Phu Tho Province and the localities. In the province of Phu Tho.

2. Difficult

- Component 1.2: Support for the development of biogas plants, medium and large scale biogas digester construction has not yet been developed as well as specific guidelines from the central management board. Implementable.

- Component 3: Low-carbon production technology transfer. At present, there is no specific guideline of the central management on demonstration farm development and farmer training. It is suitable for low carbon agricultural production so the project has not yet been implemented.

3. Recommendations, suggestions
- We kindly request that the Central Project Management Board of the Low Carbon Agriculture Support Project has detailed guidance on the technical process of constructing medium and large-scale biogas plants and guiding the model implementation. Performed for the project implementation.

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