Report on the results of the first quarter and plan for deployment in the second quarter of 2015

: Monday - 12/09/2016 10:20  |  Viewed: 1331
To implement the guidance of the ADB Donor, the Central Management Board of the Low Carbon Agricultural Support Project; Management Board of ODA projects in the agriculture and rural development sector Ha Tinh reported the results of the implementation of the first quarter and the plan for deployment in the second quarter of 2015 - Low Carbon Agriculture Support, as follows:

A. Activities to be implemented in the first quarter of 2015.

I. Component 1: Livestock waste management.

0Component component 1.1. Comprehensive management of animal waste and carbon market development.

1.Trainer training (TOT), KTV on biogas technology and safe livestock waste management:
- In the first quarter of 2015 not yet organized.

2. The training of farmers on the operation of biogas works and the safe management of animal wastes:
- In the first quarter of 2015, 03 training courses were held for households on the process of construction and operation of biogas plants. Location: Ky Anh district, Huong Khe district; Number: 150 households involved, of which 102 females, accounting for 68%;
- Project coordinators, technicians and staffs of Center for Technological and Plant Protection and Animal Husbandry Protection in districts, towns and cities conduct surveys and direct household counseling for all households. People have registered for construction of biogas works.

3. The dissemination of policy institutions, standards on biogas technology, comprehensive management of animal wastes, clean development mechanism in animal husbandry:
- Continuing to propagandize, organize surveys and consultations to each household, which has an application for registration of supporting policies and policies, biogas technology standards, construction and installation procedures, and efficient operation of works. Biogas, animal waste management;
- Organize training courses for households before participating in construction of biogas works, distributing technical documents and leaflets to guide people on the process of construction and efficient operation of biogas works.

4. Study visit, exchange of research experiences on biogas technology and domestic animal waste management:
- In the first quarter of 2015, no study tours or exchanges of experience in the country.

0Component component 1.2. Support the development of biogas works.

1. The selection of livestock producers will build small, medium and large biogas plants:
- Disseminate to each locality and local people the criteria for selection of households, the location of construction and guide the process of building small-scale biogas plants according to the text of Official Letter No. 153 / ODA-KTGS dated March 07, 2014 of the ODA Project Management Board in the Agriculture and Rural Development Sector.

2. The situation of selecting farms to build livestock demonstration models:
- Q1 2015 not implemented.

3. Situation of construction of biogas plant and financial support for farmers:
- In the first quarter of 2015, 631 biogas plants were installed and installed, bringing the total number of construction works up to now in the province to 1887; In particular, in Q1 / 1515, the financial support for 120 projects has been checked and taken over and the organization of the pre-acceptance test is being carried out to provide timely financial support for the households having completed construction of biogas works.

4. Status of technical support for construction of biogas works:
- All farmer households who have applied for construction and installation of biogas plants have been trained by the project and technically certified before carrying out construction, installation and operation of biogas works.
- Project technician directly inspects and supervises during construction of biogas works.

5. The development of demonstration models for low-carbon farms:
- Not yet in Q1 2015.

6.Configuration of gas pipe model shared by farmer groups:
- Not yet in Q1 2015.

II. Component 2. Activities coordinated with the Bank of Agriculture and the Cooperative Bank in the implementation of credit lending.

1. Activities in coordination with the Bank to propagate to people who need to build biogas plants access to credit sources: Not implemented in the first quarter of 2015.

2. Monitoring and supervising lending activities and proper use of banks as well as people: Not implemented in the first quarter of 2015.

III. Component 3. Transfer of low carbon agricultural production technologies.

0Component component 3.2. Building low carbon agriculture models

1. The need to develop demonstration models and training contents for lowland farmers, technicians and farmers, and to introduce technologies that have been successfully applied to farmers and staff. the provincial.
2. Training of key agricultural extension / farmer cadres to promote and bring low-carbon agricultural production technology into the area: Not yet implemented in the first quarter of 2015.
3. Farmers' training through available models for training: Not implemented in the first quarter of 2015.
4. Implementation of replication models: Not implemented in the first quarter of 2015.

IV. Component 4: Project Management Expenditure.
- Salary and allowances for the PPMUs: In the first quarter of 2015: 134,295,000 VND.
- Expenditures for the PPMUs: In the first quarter of 2015: 90 million VND.

B. Disbursement results in the first quarter of 2015.
- ODA capital: 600 million VND.
- Counterpart fund: 134,295,000 VND.

C. Expected Q2 2015 deployment plan.
1. Organization:
- The Low Carbon Agriculture Support Project is directly managed by the ODA Project Management Unit in the Agriculture and Rural Development Sector. Its organizational structure is composed of 01 Deputy Director, Project Director, Chief Accountant. , Accountant, project monitoring officer, 02 full-time technical staff (In which, 01 female cadre was recruited as a project technician) and 06 part-time cadres Specialized units under the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development;
- In the coming time, there will be 1-2 technicians working in the field of animal husbandry and cultivation of the regular university system to guide the implementation of low carbon agricultural production models, when the conditions permit. .
2. Professional career:
- Continuing to propagandize, survey and provide technical assistance for households who have registered for construction and installation of biogas plants in households;
- Continuing to organize training courses for farmer households who file their applications before participating in the construction of biogas works;
- Organize the training of 01 class of mechanics installers;
- Organize for provincial project staff, technicians of districts, towns and cities to participate in advanced training courses organized by the Central Project Management Board in the second quarter of 2015;
- Project finalization in 2014 when the Central Project Management Board has a working schedule;

D. Advantages, difficulties and recommendations.
1. Advantages:
- In the process of implementation, the Central Project Management Board and the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development always receive the support and assistance from the Central Project Management Board;
- After 1 year of implementation, with benefits and efficiency brought about economically and environment, the project has been actively received by the people and the number of households participating in construction of biogas plants increased unceasingly. ;
- The project management board has learned many lessons after the first year of the project implementation in order to better organize the implementation in the coming time.

2. Difficulties:
- In the first quarter of 2015, rainy weather is not favorable for the construction of biogas works;
- The number of technicians is limited while the number of biogas plants is large, so some districts have difficulties in implementation;
- The engraving of the project on biogas works is still difficult.

3. Recommendations:
- The Central Project Management Board implements Component 2 "Credit for Biological Value Chains";
- The Central Project Management Board paid more attention to the training budget for household construction, operation and management of livestock waste in Ha Tinh province in the coming time.
- Early issuance of project management software;
- Financial settlement in 2014;
- Uniform regulations to engrave the project code on the biogas with plastic sheet mica, ensuring durability and fine art.

Above is the Q1 performance report and Q2 2015 deployment plan - Low Carbon Agriculture Support; The Management Board of ODA projects in the agriculture and rural development sector of Ha Tinh reported to the Central Project Management Board for their knowledge and direction.

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