Report on the results of implementation in 2015 and the plan for implementation of the project to support low carbon agriculture in 2016 - Ben Tre province

: Thursday - 15/09/2016 10:20  |  Viewed: 1229
Management Board of the Ben Tre Low Carbon Agricultural Support Project, report on the results of implementation in 2015 and the plan for implementing the 2016 project with the following contents:


1. Component 1: Livestock waste management

Sub-component 1.1. Comprehensive management of animal waste and development of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)

- Organized 50 training courses on biogas plant operation and environmental protection in livestock, with 2,152 breeding households attending 100% of planned targets (including 625 females).
- Organized 01 training course on construction and installation of biogas plants in accordance with technical standards for technicians and builders / installers with 28 participants (including 05 women).
- Organized 01 small and medium scale biogas production workshop with 40 participants (including 08 females).
- 01 workshop on low carbon agricultural production demonstration technology was organized, with 18 participants (including 04 women).
- Organizing the inspection and commissioning of biogas works constructed in 2014 (inspecting 5% of the operation).
- Organized 01 study tour to experience the construction of biogas plant and project management in Soc Trang province for 29 participants (including 06 women).

Sub-component 1.2. Support the development of biogas works

- Households registering for small-scale biogas plants are 1,739 households; The number of projects under construction / installation was 1,719, reaching 114.6% of the planned target (1,500 projects).
- Technical support for construction of 1,739 small-scale biogas plants (from the beginning of the project of 2,660 works reaching 73.9% of the project's total target), the acceptance of 1,635 works, support Financial support 1,500 works with a total amount of 4.500 million.

2. Component 2: Coordination activities with banks in the implementation of credit loans

At present, the provincial branch of the Agriculture and Rural Development Bank deploys the loan application dossiers and procedures of the Low Carbon Agriculture Support Project to potential households. Only 2 households can borrow.

3. Component 3: Transfer of low-carbon agricultural production technologies

With regard to the development of a low carbon agricultural production demonstration model, the Central PMU is guiding the Provincial Project Management Boards to develop models for 2016 implementation.

4. Component 4: Project Management

- To strictly manage funding sources, purchase working facilities when necessary, and manage and use equipment of the Central Project Management Board.
- Regular expenses for office operation using thrift, rational integration with agency activities.
- The contents of financial receipts and expenditures follow closely the guiding manual of the project.
- Spending and allowances for officials of the provincial project management boards according to regulations.


Disbursed by 2015: VND 5,793,136,800.


- ADB capital: 5,543,136,800 VND, including:

+ Professional professional: 5.307.065.000 VND

+ Expense management: 236,071,800 đ

- The reciprocal capital of the province is 250,000,000 VND


- Implement the plan of the Provincial Project Management Board in 2016, continue to organize 50 training courses on project propagation, technical operation and maintenance of biogas plants, ensuring the environment in animal husbandry. For about 1,500 potential livestock households involved in biogas plant construction.
- Technical assistance for construction / installation of 1,000 small-scale biogas plants, 04 medium and 1 large scale projects according to the project criteria and organize the acceptance of completed works to support Timely financing for households.
- Continuing propaganda on the project, animal waste management.
- Organizing inspection of constructed biogas works.
- Implementation of low carbon agricultural production demonstration (HP 3.2)


1. Advantages

Thanks to the attention and guidance of the Central Project Management Board, the Directorate of the Department creates favorable conditions for the Provincial Project Management Board to carry out the work as planned in 2015. The support of relevant Departments and Departments has facilitated in terms of time for civil servants participating in the project; The active coordination of the local government, local organizations and the participation of respondents participating in the construction of biogas plant of livestock producers.

2. Difficult

- There is confusion in the implementation of Component 3.2 on low carbon agricultural production.

- Medium and large-scale biogas works have not been built to be easy to implement according to the current tastes of livestock (works of over 50 m3); The existing local HDPE material is not available to consult the livestock producers, so the medium and large models are still slow.

- The issue of loaning loans to livestock households for the construction of biogas plants, nowadays local branches are still slow, thus also affecting the progress of construction of biogas plants. learn.

The above is the results of the operation of the Provincial Project Management Board in 2015, to the Central Project Management Board, the Director of the Agriculture and Rural Development Department to monitor and direct.

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