Report on the results of implementation in 2014 and the plan for deployment in 2015 of the Soc Trang Low Carbon Project Management Unit

: Friday - 16/09/2016 10:20  |  Viewed: 1227
The LCSP Soc Trang project management report on the results of the project in 2014 and the work plan for 2015 are as follows:

Pursuant to Decision No. 111 / QD-HC-CTUBND dated 25 February 2013 of the Chairman of Soc Trang Provincial People's Committee on the assignment of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development to be the investor and implement the subproject " Low carbon "in Soc Trang Province".
Pursuant to Decision No. 119 / QD-SNN dated 12 March 2013 of the Director of Soc Trang Department of Agriculture and Rural Development on the establishment of the Management Board of the project "Low Carbon Agriculture Support" (LCASP) The period 2013-2018 in Soc Trang province.
Pursuant to Decision No. 3494 / QD-BNN-TC dated 11/8/2014 of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development on amending the master plan of the project "Supporting low-carbon agriculture".
Pursuant to Decision No. 1264 / QDHC-CTUBND dated 20 November 2014 of the Chairman of Soc Trang Provincial People's Committee on the adjustment of the master plan for the sub-project "Supporting low-carbon agriculture" in Soc Trang province .

- The project management board consists of 13 persons (09 concurrently, 03 full time and 01 driver). The project office is located at Sub-Department of Animal Health - Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.
- Organizational work is strengthened. The LCASP Project Management Board has assigned specific tasks to each member; Proactively propose, develop plans, organize implementation; As a result, the project activities have been implemented in accordance with the schedule approved by the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.

Basing themselves on the guidance of the Central Project Management Board and detailed plans already approved by the provincial / municipal Agriculture and Rural Development Services, the project management boards shall coordinate with one another in organizing the implementation of the following specific activities and results:

ASIAN . Component 1: Livestock waste management:
1. Sub-component 1.1. Comprehensive management of animal waste and development of CDM:

- Received applications for construction of small-scale biogas plants: 756 applications.
- Surveying households to build small-scale biogas plants: 756 works.
- Technical consultancy before the construction of small-scale construction: 756 works.
- Small-scale biogas plants have been built: 600 works (588 composite, 12 KT1, KT2).
- Small-scale construction works completed and completed: 434 works

All works after commissioning are put into operation and good effect. Construction teams have issued a 1-year warranty card to the household in the form of the project. Composite biogas technology companies have issued a 3- to 5-year warranty card to the households after the test. Collection of racing to the action.
- The PPMU has transferred support money (VND 3,000,000 / biogas) to 434 households to build biogas plants with the total cost of VND1,302 million via Soc Trang Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development and households receiving money from branch offices. Agriculture Districts. 100% of the plan.

- PPMU of Soc Trang province has paid allowance for KTV to perform consultancy on selection, survey, guidance, inspection, testing and acceptance of biogas program (390,000 VND / project).

2. Sub-HP1.2: Support the development of biogas works

2.1. Information and propaganda on comprehensive management of animal wastes (development of programs on the mass media, newsletters, leaflets, etc.). Gather information about the activities of the DA on the broadcasting stations of the districts and build 3 broadcasts on the provincial television.

2.2. Organized one LCASP launch workshop with 80 attendees.

2.3. Organized training in ToT, KTV on biogas technology and safe livestock waste management with 73 participants in Soc Trang. (Female: 02, Ethnicity: 16)

2.4. Organized 05 seminars on selection of biogas user households with 303 participants. (Female: 40; Ethnicity: 75) Organized 07 training courses for livestock households. Before constructing biogas plant with 341 participants. (Female: 78, Ethnicity: 79)

2.5. Organized 35 training courses for livestock households on biogas plant construction / installation with 1,167 participants. (Female: 263; Ethnic: 253) 2.1. Organization

2.6. Organize and manage the technical staff of the project to well help the farmer to select biogas technology suitable to the scale of animal husbandry; Monitoring and acceptance of biogas plants to meet the standards prescribed by the Project

2.7. Organizing the inspection and supervision of environmental indicators and quality of finished and operational biogas plants.

3. Survey on Socio-Demonstration Biogas Baseline Assessment Database of Soc Trang Province: The PMU has contracted with commune / village veterinarians to undertake the survey work on data collection on The number of biogas plants has been implemented in Soc Trang province and the capacity of building biogas plants in the following years. Results of the survey at 773 hamlets / clusters of 118 communes in 11 districts, town and city: There are 18,628 farmer households where 10 or more pigs or 3 cows have construction needs. Construction of biogas plant is 11,786. In particular, the LCASP Project has constructed and installed 600 works.

B. Component 2 (Collaboration activities with the Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (VBARD)) and Component 3 (Low-carbon technology transfer): PCU Implemented, implemented in 2014.

C. Component IV. Project management

RESULTS OF DISSOLUTION: (in comparison with Treasury and Bank will update later)


1. Advantages:
- Provincial People's Committee and Department of Agriculture and Rural Development are interested to create favorable conditions for the project to operate and soon approve the overall plan of Soc Trang province.
- The Central Project Management Board has organized professional training courses for PPMU staff.
- The project management board has been strengthened, step by step implementing the plan development and implementation

2. Difficulties:
- At the beginning, the PPMU was confused in organizing the implementation.
- District staff are concurrent staff; The training for KTV relatively late (May 514) has affected the progress and the acceptance of biogas works.

3. Recommendations:

The Soc Trang PPMU strongly recommends that the LCASP Central Project Management Board:
Central Project Director
- Comment on 02 Financial deadline to implement credit package to accelerate the implementation of the project in the local.
- There are plans to train builders / installers of biogas plants in localities to ensure technical support for farmers participating in the project. - Early guidelines on standards for construction of biogas plants. Medium and large tissue.
- Make early comments on models applied technology transfer using the registered biogas products to actively develop detailed plans and submit them to competent authorities for approval.
- Support GPS and software to manage biogas works.

- SMCMB submits to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development for approval of the detailed plan and budget for 2015 (after the approval of the PTA). Management Board of Soc Trang will implement the work plan of the project in 2015 with the following main contents:

I. Component 1: Livestock waste management:
1. Sub-component 1.1. Comprehensive management of animal waste and development of CDM:

1.1. Organizing campaign and financial support for livestock farmers to register and build 1,200 small-scale biogas plants.

2. Sub-HP1.2: Support the development of biogas works
- Information and propaganda on comprehensive management of animal waste (elaboration of programs on mass media, writing news, leaflets, ...)
- Project propaganda on district radio 110 times; Gather information about the activities of the DA on the broadcasting stations of the districts and build 3 broadcasts on the provincial television.
- Organize 40 training courses for livestock households before construction of biogas plant
- Organize 40 training courses for livestock households on construction / installation of biogas plant
- Organizing and managing the technical staff of the project to well help the husbandry business to select biogas technology suitable to the scale of animal husbandry; Monitoring and acceptance of biogas plants to meet the standards prescribed by the Project
- Organizing the inspection and supervision of the environmental and quality criteria of completed and operating biogas plants.

II. Component 2: Credit Loan Implementation.

The PPMU will coordinate with the Agricultural Bank and the Cooperative Bank in implementing credit loans for households registering to build biogas works.

III. Component 3: Transfer of low-carbon agricultural production technologies
3.1. Construct 01 model model of 100ha (Kiet Lap Hamlet), cultivate low carbon rice with 1 to 5 reduction techniques at local level
3.2. Construct 01 model of 100 ha of ineffective rice conversion to the model of Cuc Dau pine plantation in Lam Tan commune: model of 20 ha (belonging to Tan Loc hamlet):
3.3. Construction 04 A model of converting rice land into a grass-planting model brings economic benefits to farmers along the Phung Hiep Highway of My Tu and Nga Nam Districts; Along the southern route of Hau River in Long Phu and Tran De districts
3.4. Develop 11 models and transfer technology for processing by-products in crop cultivation and animal husbandry as high-grade fertilizer for agricultural production, minimizing carbon emissions that cause environmental pollution.

IV. Financial plan

Total estimated budget in 2015: 7.852,125 million; Inside

+ ADB capital: VND 7,289 million
+ The counterpart fund of the province: 563,125 million VND

V. Organization of implementation
- Continuing to consolidate the organization of the PMU machinery and build up a sufficient number of technicians in the districts to ensure their professional capability.
- Coordinate with local authorities, professional agencies to mobilize farmers to actively participate in the project;
- Urge, inspect and finalize the biogas acceptance dossiers and disburse the earliest households.
- Regularly inspecting and supervising construction / installation activities of biogas plants in order to promptly correct errors, ensure quality and reasonable prices for construction households; Check the results of households receive support money from the project
The LCSP Soc Trang Project Management Board reports on the results of the project implementation in 2014 and the work plan for 2015. We would like to request the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Central Project Management Board to consider and direct.

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