Report on the implementation of the first quarter of 2016 and Q2 2016 implementation plan of the Tien Giang Low Carbon Agriculture Support Fund

: Monday - 19/09/2016 10:20  |  Viewed: 1334
The project management board of Tien Giang province reports the results of the first quarter and plans for deployment in the second quarter of 2016 as follows:


Component 1: Livestock waste management

Sub-component 1.1. Comprehensive management of animal waste and carbon market development

Organized 11 training courses for 226 households involved in construction / installation of biogas plant on the use, operation and maintenance of biogas plant with a total amount of 32,029,000 VND.

Sub-component 1.2. Support the development of biogas works

In the first quarter, 275 households registered to build / install small scale biogas plants. Number of works for which 165 works have been constructed / installed; Building / installing 61 buildings. Has tested, tested and transferred money to support 32/165 biogas plants with a total amount of 96 million.

Component 2: Activities coordinated with the Bank of Agriculture and the Cooperative Bank in the implementation of credit loans.

PPMU invites the Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) to participate in Biogas Propaganda classes to disseminate information on supporting loans for construction / installation of biogas plants. In addition, in the operation, PPMUs integrate propaganda, support, and guide people in need of loans to banks to carry out loan procedures.

Component 3: Transfer of low-carbon agricultural production technologies.

Sub-component 3.2. Building low carbon agriculture models

Collaborate with the provincial consultant to develop an outline of 4 low carbon agricultural production models and 03 research topics and submit them to the LCASP Central Management Unit.

Component 4: Project management expenses in the first quarter

- Make insurance payments for 01 contract with the amount of VND 2,623,725.

- Operation cost for Tien Giang PMAS PMU by ADB fund with the total amount of VND 21,436,403. Inside:

+ Payment for public services: VND 935,000;

+ Contact information: 336,403 dong;

+ Conference: 8.235.000 VND;

+ Working allowance: VND 11,930,000;


- Total cost: 161,689,128 dongs. Inside:

+ ADB capital: VND 159,065,403;

+ Local reciprocal capital: VND 2,623,725.


1. Organizational: continue to maintain the existing 08 staff.

2. Professional career:

Component 1: Livestock waste management.

Sub-component 1.1. Comprehensive management of animal waste and carbon market development:

- Organize 06 training courses for farmers on waste treatment in raising livestock using worm-raising and composting.

- Coordinate with Radio and Television Station of Tien Giang Province to conduct 02 discussions on biogas works. Coordinate the Radio 11/11 district, the city broadcasting successive propaganda to mislead the propaganda, mobilize people to build / install biogas plants and the support policies of the project and the Agricultural Bank Career in the development of biogas works.
- Coordinated with Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development Tien Giang to organize 11 seminars, LCASP dissemination workshops, biogas technology and support policy for construction / installation of gas works. The biology of the project to livestock households in the province.

- Organize training of households to participate in construction / installation of biogas plant on the use, operation and maintenance of biogas works.

Sub-component 1.2. Supporting the development of biogas works:

- Continue to build / install, continue to check, test and provide financial support for 330 small-scale biogas plants.

- Propagandize, collect the demand for construction of small and medium scale small and medium biogas plants.

Component 3: Transfer of low carbon agricultural production technologies:

Sub-component 3.2: Building low-carbon agriculture models:

- Gather information, capture the investment needs of the people.

- When there are no objections from ADB and the Central Committee on the topics, the project will be implemented by the PPMU.

Component 4: Project Management Expenditure

Pay for the organizational structure of the project management board and regular activities at the unit.


1 / Advantages:

Good weather conditions, favorable for the installation / construction of biogas plants.

There are many companies that provide composite technology to participate in the project, contributing favorably to farmers in choosing the type of construction works.

Funds are allocated and approved in time.

2 / Difficulties:

Mobilization activities are difficult due to the potential but many households are easy to propagate, moving gradually decrease.

Demand for biogas plant construction / installation is shared with bioremediation technology.

Above is the report on the implementation of LCASP in Tien Giang province in the first quarter and the plan to implement the second quarter of 2016.

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