Report on implementation results in the first 6 months and plan for implementation in the last 6 months of 2015

: Monday - 12/09/2016 23:20  |  Viewed: 1256
Report on implementation results of the first 6 months and plan for implementation of the last 6 months of the project of supporting lowland agriculture in Son La province as follows:


- Submit to the Provincial People's Committee for approval the adjustment of the overall plan of the Project in accordance with Decision No. 3494 / QĐ-BNN-TC dated 11/8/2014 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
- Continue to complete biogas plant profile in districts and cities.
- Develop an action plan in 2015 for submission to the Central LCASP Project Management Board for comments.
- Submitted to Son La Department of Agriculture and Rural Development for approval of the work plan in 2015.
- Organize a conference to deploy the work plan in 2015.

1. Component 1: Livestock waste management

1.1. Sub-component 1.1. Comprehensive management of animal waste and carbon market development

- Workshop, propaganda and guidance for farmers on the management of animal waste and benefits of biogas plant. Organized 16 propaganda workshops with 640 participants.
- Coordinate with the agricultural extension system to disseminate the benefits of the biogas plant and the management of animal waste to the farmers.

1.2. Component 1.2. Support the development of biogas works
- Signed contracts with Extension Stations for the construction and installation of biogas plants.
- Guiding and reviewing households who have needs to build biogas works.
Technical support for the construction of biogas plants (survey, design, construction supervision, quality control ...) for technicians in 12 districts / city.
- Technical support for farmers to build / install biogas plants (survey, design, quality control, pre-acceptance test, biogas plant operation)
- Inspecting and monitoring the existing biogas plant to ensure the environment (expenses for working-trip allowance, ...)
- Organized 01 training course on biogas technician techniques, comprehensive management of waste in animal husbandry for 24 trainees who are agricultural extension workers in the districts.
- Inspection, supervision and acceptance of biogas plants 256 works of which 63 works are made of bricks, 193 composite works.

2. Component 3. Transfer of low-carbon agricultural production technology

2.1. Sub-component 3.1. Promoting low carbon agricultural applications

2.2. Sub-component 3.2. Building low carbon agricultural production models

- Submit 6 low carbon agricultural production models (HP3)

+ Pilot model for comprehensive treatment of pig waste.
+ Pilot model for comprehensive treatment of dairy cow waste.
+ Application of improved SRI rice cultivation techniques to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Son La province.
+ Model of organic compost from agricultural by-product in Son La province
+ Maize cultivation model reduces carbon footprint on sloping land combining to create animal feed in Son La province.
+ Model of mushroom production on cassava, sawdust and fertilizer production from post-mushroom by-product in Son La province

3. Component 4. Expenditure for project management
- Wages and allowances for PPMUs;
- Operational cost for the provincial project management board.

4. Other work
- Arrange officers to participate in the workshops, workshops organized by the CPMU.

- Total amount: 253,100,500 VND.

+ ADB: 43,726,800 dong.
+ GoV: 209,373,700 dong.


1. Component 1: Livestock waste management

1.1. Sub-component 1.1. Comprehensive management of animal waste and carbon market development

- Continue to organize workshops, propaganda and guidance for farmers on the management of animal waste and benefits of biogas plant.
- Organize the training of biogas works for households to build biogas plants.
- Organize technical training at home for households who have installed and installed biogas plants.

1.2. Component 1.2. Support the development of biogas works

- Continuing technical support for construction of biogas plants (survey, design, construction supervision, quality control ...) for technicians in 12 districts / city.
- Continuing technical support for farmers to build / install biogas plants (survey, design, quality control, pre-acceptance test, biogas plant operation)
- Inspecting and monitoring the existing biogas plant to ensure the environment (expenses for working-trip allowance, ...)
- Complete the assessment, supervision and acceptance of small-scale biogas plants that have completed the construction of items in 12 districts and cities.
- Direct financial support for the construction of biogas works and improved livestock environment

2. Component 3. Transfer of low-carbon agricultural production technology

2.1. Sub-component 3.1. Promoting low carbon agricultural applications

2.2. Sub-component 3.2. Building low carbon agricultural production models

- Complete the content, develop and implement 6 models of low-carbon agricultural production.

- Participate in seminars and workshops organized by the CPMU.


1. Advantages
- Son La People's Committee facilitates counterpart funds to carry out activities under the approved plan.
- Leadership, direct direction of the owner (leaders of the department) and close coordination between the relevant agencies, departments, departments of the Department.

2. Difficult.
- Project staff at the grassroots level (District Extension Stations) and part-time technicians have, in part, affected the implementation at the grassroots level.
- There are many units in Son La currently involved in the supply of biogas by composite materials which are not supported by the project. Biogas plants were installed by farmers because they cost far less than the same size of the three companies proposed by the LCASP Central Project Management Board to permit the construction of the facility. paste.
- The Government has just issued the Decision No. 50 / QD-TTg dated September 4, 2014 of the Prime Minister on policies to support the raising of the efficiency of farm households in the period 2015-2020. According to Item a, Article 3 3 of Decision No. 50 / QD-TTg the higher level of support of the project. So some households do not want to build waiting for higher support level.

3. Recommendations

- The province has more capital to increase support for farmers who have built biogas plants in accordance with Decision No. 50 / QD-TTg dated September 4, 2014 of the Prime Minister on support policy High efficiency farming households in the period 2015 - 2020.

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