Report on Implementation of the Low Carbon Agriculture Project (LCASP) in 2015 Work Plan for 2016

: Wednesday - 14/09/2016 10:20  |  Viewed: 1244
Follow the guidance of the ADB Donor and the Central Project Management Board of the Low Carbon Agriculture Project. Implementation of financial plan and detailed cost estimate of the project "Low Carbon Agriculture Support" in Son La province in 2015 was approved by the investor in Decision No. 123 / QD-SNN dated 20 March 2015. Son La LCASP Project Management Report


Total capital: VND 4,607,950,000
Of which: - ADB loan: 3,857,950,000 VND
- The counterpart fund of the province: 750,000,000 VND

1. Component 1: Livestock waste management

A) Sub-component 1.1: Comprehensive management of animal wastes and CDM

- Workshop, propaganda and guidance for farmers on the management of animal waste and benefits of biogas plant. Organized 50 propaganda workshops in 47 communes in town with 2,000 attendees, among them: (Ethnic group: 1,620 people, 81%, 1,543 people: 77%, 457 people: 23%).

- Organized 32 training courses on biogas plant operation for 632 households to build / install biogas works in 26 communes / wards of 12 districts / city in which: (ethnic group 285 45% men, 456 men, 72%, 176 women, 28%).

- Organized 14 home training workshops on biogas plant operation for 54 households in biogas plant construction / installation in 21 communes / wards of 12 districts / city in which: 32 ethnic groups accounted for 59%, 44 males accounted for 81%, 10 females accounted for 19%).

- Coordinate with the agricultural extension system to disseminate the benefits of the biogas plant to farmers in the meetings of the agricultural extension club.

B) Subcomponent 1.2. Support the development of biogas works
- Signed contracts with 12 agricultural extension stations to deploy construction / installation of biogas plant.
- Coordinate with district technicians to check and review households who need to build / install biogas plants.
- Technical assistance for district technicians, farmer households building and installing biogas plants (survey, design, quality control, acceptance and guiding the operation of biogas plant).
- Inspecting and monitoring the existing biogas plant to ensure the environment.
- Organized 01 training course on biogas technician techniques, comprehensive management of waste in animal husbandry for 24 trainees who are agricultural extension workers in the districts.

* Total construction / installation in 2015: 1707 works.

+ Works according to project criteria 686 works (235 works by brick under KT1, 451 works by Composit material.
+ Composite works of 6 sub-standard companies are 1021 works including: (Green environment: 174 works, Thang Long 40 works, Thanh Loi 632 works, Dai Phat 32 works, Ngoc Thuy 70 works Thanh Loc 73 works not KT3C).

- Organizing inspection and acceptance of 686 completed construction works of all items.
- Carry out a check on the number of biogas digester and identify the potential biogas users in the province.

2. Component 2. Activities coordinated with the Bank of Agriculture and the Cooperative Bank in the implementation of credit loans

Implement Document No. 849 / DANN-LCASP dated 14 May 2015 of the Central Administrative Commission of the LCASP Project on the implementation of component 2, credit for the biogas value chain under the Agricultural Support Project Low carbon. In accordance with Official Letter No. 14 / CV-LCASP, on 4 June 2015, the Agriculture and Rural Development Sub-Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MONRE) Villages and farmer households have built biogas plants that need to borrow capital and guide the procedures for borrowing. The sum of the completed works has been completed and the items transferred to the Bank's branches. To appraise and carry out loan procedures. However, up to now, no household has borrowed for the reason that:

There are no branches of agricultural bank, Song Ma district, Moc Chau district. The loan amount is too low (only 80% of the amount of construction / installation of biogas works) and there are no households. Collateral because the red book has been pledged to borrow other sources ... So the Bank does not lend in accordance with the Decision No. 1063 / QD-NHNo-DTC dated October 24, 2014 of the General Director of Agribank and the Decision Agribank's Director General No. 510 / QĐ-NHNo-DTC dated 24/4/2015

3. Component 3. Transfer of low-carbon agricultural production technology

Coordinate with the Institute of Irrigation and ADB's Advisory Group to survey the situation of agricultural production in districts to develop / replicate models of research and transfer of agricultural technology towards Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the impacts of climate change and training on low-carbon agricultural production technologies using agricultural by-products.

4. Component 4. Project management expenditure
- Salary and allowances for the project management board.
- Operating expenses for the project management board.

5. Disbursement results
- Total amount: 3,079,335,900 VND.

+ ADB: VND2,642,136,300.
+ GoV: 437,199,600 dong.

6. Other work
- Participation in workshops, workshops organized by the CPPMU.


- Workshop on propaganda for farmers on waste management in livestock and benefits of biogas plant.

- Organize technical training for operators to build biogas works.

- Organize technical training to operate at home for households who have already built the project.

- Technical support for construction of biogas works (survey, design, construction supervision, quality management ...)

- Complete the assessment, supervision and acceptance of small-scale biogas plants in 12 districts and cities.

- Develop a training plan for farmers and extension workers on technology suitable for lowland agricultural production in 12 districts and cities.

Implement 6 low carbon agricultural production models.


1. Advantages.

The project is well supported and agreed by all levels, sectors, localities and people in the province.

With the attention and direction of the Central Project Management Board, the PPC and the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in the activities of the unit.

2. Difficult.

- Technicians in the district work part-time should partly affect the implementation at the facilities.

- Son La is a poor province, the budget is mainly central so the counterpart fund for the project activities are difficult.

- Currently, in Son La province, there are many units involved in supplying biogas not using LCASP as Thang Long, Thanh Phuc, Thanh Hoi, Green Environment, Ngoc Aquatic…. The price is only half or two thirds of the four types of companies recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development so people are willing to install all kinds of works of these companies.

- The Government issued Decision No. 50 / QD-TTg dated September 4, 2014 by the Prime Minister on policies to support the raising of farmer productivity in the period of 2015-2020. According to Item 3, Article 3 Of Decision No. 50 / QD-TTg the higher level of support of the project.

- On 13 May 2015, the People's Committee of Son La province has issued Decision No. 13/2015 / QD-UBND detailing the implementation of Point b, Clause 3, Article 6, Decision No. 50/2014 / QD-TTg dated 4 September 2014 of the Prime Minister on policies to support the improvement of raising livestock raising in the period 2015-2020 in Son La province level support construction / installation of biogas plant Study (Biogas) 5 million / 1 works higher than the project support (project 3 million / project). So many farmers registered to build / install biogas plant, some digging pit stopped and wait for higher support level.

3. Recommendations

- Ask the Central Management Board of LCASP to give an early comment on component 3 (6 models of low carbon agricultural production) for the provincial project management to complete the plan.

- Son La People's Committee is requested to balance capital and integrate part of animal waste treatment. Assigned by the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Son La to be the project coordinator for the project "Low Carbon Agriculture Support".

- Son La PPC is requested to provide adequate counterpart fund for activities as per the master plan of the Ministry.

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