Q1 2015 implementation report and Q2 2015 implementation plan of Tien Giang Low Carbon Agricultural Sector PMB.

: Monday - 12/09/2016 10:20  |  Viewed: 1254
Implementing the guidance of the ADB Donor and the Central Project Management Unit of the Low Carbon Agriculture Project, the PMU of Tien Giang Province reports the results of the first quarter implementation and the implementation plan. The second quarter of 2015 is as follows:


Component 1: Livestock waste management

Sub-component 1.1. Comprehensive management of animal waste and carbon market development

Organized 07 training courses for 159 households involved in construction / installation of biogas plant on the use, operation and maintenance of biogas works.

Sub-component 1.2. Support the development of biogas works

Have checked, tested and transferred money to support 51 small-scale biogas plants with a total amount of 153 million VND

Component 3: Transfer of low-carbon agricultural production technologies.

Sub-component 3.2. Building low carbon agriculture models

In the first quarter of 2015, the management board of the Tien Giang LCASP project co-ordinated the environmental protection fund and Mekong Delta Research and Development Institute of Can Tho University to study and propose low-carbon agricultural models.

Component 4: Project Management Expenditure

The management of the LCASP Tien Giang Project has made the following regular expenditures:

- Total: VND21,319,411. Inside:

+ ADB capital: 18,695,686 VND;

+ Local reciprocal capital: VND 2,623,725.


- First Quarter 2015: VND 210,180,411. Inside:

+ ADB capital: VND 207,556,686;

+ Reciprocal capital: VND 2,623,725.
- Accumulated from the beginning of the project: VND 2,605,723,694. Inside:

+ ADB capital: VND 2,279,019,389;

+ Reciprocal capital: VND 326,704,305.


1. Organizational: continue to maintain the existing 08 staff.

2. Professional career:

Component 1: Livestock waste management.

Sub-component 1.1. Comprehensive management of animal waste and carbon market development:

- Focusing on propagandizing and mobilizing farmers to build biogas works through mass media (television, radio, panel, seminar ...).

- Organize training of households to participate in construction / installation of biogas plant on the use, operation and maintenance of biogas works.

Sub-component 1.2. Supporting the development of biogas works:

- Continuing to build / install, carry out inspection, acceptance and financial support for 250 small-scale biogas plants.

Component 3. Transfer of low carbon agricultural production technologies

Sub-component 3.2: Development of low-carbon agricultural models

- Develop and propose to approve the detailed outline of seven models of low-carbon agricultural production, including 2 models of rice production, one of which must be reduced to 6 in large field sizes; Cultivation, 3 models of treatment of waste products in livestock.

Component 4: Project Management Expenditure

Pay for the organizational structure of the project management board and regular activities at the unit.

1 / Advantages:

- Tien Giang province has a team of experienced biogas technicians and skilled builders who have participated in many projects.

- The cost of supporting the construction of biogas plant is raised to 3 million VND / building, thus creating more favorable conditions for farmers to invest in construction.

- Staff involved in project implementation have experience in professional work and in project management and administration.

- Objective of the project is very practical, close, contributing to solving environmental pollution, improving the quality of life of people in the countryside should be the attention and great support from the authorities. local.

2 / Difficulties:

- The cost of building biogas plants is high so people are not brave to invest.

- In the first quarter of 2015, due to the Lunar New Year holidays, people have not actively invested in the construction of biogas plants.

- There are no regulations, technical guidelines for medium and large biogas tunnel so not support for large and medium scale breeding sites for biogas plant construction.

- There is no detailed guidance on the construction of low carbon agricultural models so it is still embarrassing, the provincial project management has not yet implemented.

3 / Recommendations: Central Project Management Board:

- Promulgation of guidance on the construction of large and medium scale biogas plants;

- Organize training for technicians and masons on construction of large and medium scale biogas plants;

- Organize study tours, exchanges on models of low-carbon agricultural production so that the provinces can exchange and share experiences.

- Outline, general guidelines for the development of models to facilitate the deployment in the province.

- There is a document proposing the province to allocate counterpart funds for the province to hire consultants to develop outlines and consultants on the implementation of low carbon agricultural production (Component 3).

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