Project Progress Report from the beginning of the project to August 2012 of the Bac Giang PPMU

: Wednesday - 05/10/2016 10:20  |  Viewed: 1185
The Project Management Unit of the Bac Giang Low Carbon Agriculture Project reported the progress of the project as follows:

I. Project Abstract
- Name of project:
+ Vietnamese: Low Carbon Agriculture Project,
+ English: Low Carbon Agricultural Support Project,
- Project code: 1118184
- Donor: The Asian Development Bank (ADB)
- Start and end dates: From 2013 to 2019

II. General situation
2.1. Organizing committee
- The Bac Giang PPMU now regulates activities, with a staff of 11; Including 3 leaders of the Board, 1 planner, 1 officer, 1 accountant and 5 technicians; The percentage of female cadres reached 27%.

2.2. General status of project activities

* Advantages and disadvantages

- Advantage:
+ Concerned, direct and invested resources of the provincial People's Committee, Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.
+ Objectives and contents of the project meet the urgency and needs of the actual project area.
+ The biogas development component inherits the development experiences, technology and technical skills of the mason team from previous projects and programs, such as the project to improve the quality, Agricultural product safety and biogas development program (QSEAP), Biogas Program for Livestock Sector in Vietnam.
+ There is close coordination, active participation of authorities at all levels, beneficiaries from project areas;

- Difficult:
+ Agriculture is a diversified sector of production in different regions so in the process of implementing the content changes to fit the region in the country. Therefore, this partly affects the progress and results of the project implementation in the province.
+ The identification of low-carbon agricultural production technology to suit the diverse local conditions is very difficult and takes a long time to select the appropriate model.

* Major achievements
Despite many difficulties in implementing the project, however, after more than 3 years of implementation, the project has achieved the following outstanding achievements:
- The number of completed household biogas plants has reached 6,000 against 7,000 allocated works, equivalent to 86% of the plan and 133% of the plan before adjustment.
- Activities such as information dissemination and training have reached and exceeded the progress and volume requirements.
- The total disbursement volume of the whole project reached nearly 50% of the whole project plan, meeting the required progress in accordance with regulations.

2.3. Latest news
- US dollar exchange rate increased to 22,000 dong / US dollar (107.3%) against 20,500 dong / US dollar at the beginning of the period.
- The work construction unit price is higher than that of the project.
- The number of households wishing to construct biogas plants is a favorable condition for the implementation of component I of the project;
- The project has developed and submitted the project master plan three times in 2013, 2014 and 2016. The project cost has increased from 39.266 million dong to 46.117 million dong.
- In 2015, the provincial People's Committee promulgates the plan to implement the policy of supporting smallholders raising in the province. Accordingly, the state budget supports the households to build biogas plant is 5 million VND / Higher than the 3 million VND / project supported by the project.

III. Project implementation schedule
1. Component 1: Livestock waste management
1.1. Sub-component 1.1: Comprehensive management of livestock waste and carbon markets

1.1.1. Activity 1: Development of training modules on the application of low carbon agricultural production technology and training for monitoring and operation of biogas value chains and other stakeholders. Apply and disseminate in project provinces.

The PPMU builds training modules for the operation of biogas plants, training in the training of physicians, building poetry, etc., in order to be suitable with the provincial institutions.

1.1.2. Activity 2: Standardization and dissemination of design packages for biogas chain management (information dissemination, workshop on criterion selection, training on biogas works).

- The provincial project management board has implemented many communication programs in various forms (seminars, training, propaganda on the mass media, leaflets, posters, ...).

- Printed 6,000 / 7,000 posters note when using and maintenance of biogas plants to distribute to households participating in construction of biogas plant under the project. Poster with the main contents, concise and accompanying illustrations on the use and maintenance of the works; For the purpose of not only an individual but also the household, the operators are aware of the issues to make sure that the use of biogas works is safe and effective.

- Surveying, consulting, designing, installing, inspecting and supervising the quality of biogas plants for 6000 households involved in construction of biogas plant under the project.

- Organized 290 training courses on technology, management and operation of biogas works for 5,720 people in order to equip with awareness, knowledge and skills in waste management, operation of biogas works safely, effective; With the proportion of women involved in training accounting for 22%; Ethnic minority accounts for 5%.

- After the successful start up of the project, the PPMU of Bac Giang Province conducted a workshop to select livestock producers to build small, medium and large biogas plants; The workshop was attended by 38 staff from the boards, officers, and potential households. Of which, the proportion of female participants accounted for 13%.

- Developed to broadcast propaganda on the provincial television station was 4 topics, build and publish 4 video clips propaganda in Bac Giang electronic newspaper; Contracts in Bac Giang Newspaper with volume equal to 80 messages, articles.

1.2. Sub-component 1.2: Support to the development of biogas works

1.2.1. Activity 7: Supervise the operation of biogas plants with full environmental items (costs for technical support technician, inspection and supervision of biogas plants and database survey)

Regularly inspecting and supervising the operation of biogas plants in order to ensure the safety and efficiency of the works already put into operation. Up to now, 411 / 4,820 existing biogas plants have been inspected, accounting for approximately 9% of the total number of biogas plants under test and commissioning. Inspection of existing works shows that the quality of the biogas plant under the project is stable, effective and safe for the users.

- To provide technical assistance to the farmers who install / build biogas plants, inspect and supervise the construction / installation of the biogas plant database. Management of biogas plants has been built.

1.2.2. Activity 8: Training and certification for technicians, builders, engineers and contractors to support the construction of biogas plants. Training Technician.
Organized 02 TOT training workshops with the contents: Biogas technology, safe husbandry and animal waste management for technicians. The project has trained qualified technicians, effective implementation of project activities for 43 trainees, the proportion of female learners accounted for 26%. Mason training
Organized technical training for builders, installers of biogas plants under the project, trained mason team has assisted people in building biogas works in accordance with technical requirements, ensure Quality assurance. Up to now, all the works are well accepted and are operating well. The training course was attended by 19 builders / installers, with a 5% female ratio.

1.2.3. Activity 9: Financial support for biogas works.
Coordinate with the provincial Agriculture and Rural Development Bank through branches in districts to provide direct financial support to the project's biogas operators. Up to August 31, 2016, direct financial support for 4,820 / 6000 livestock households involved in the construction of the biogas plant under the project; The remaining households are in the process of payment.

The construction works have contributed to significantly improving the environmental pollution in livestock, saving and raising incomes for households.

3. Component 3: Transfer of low carbon agricultural production technology

3.1. Sub-component 3.1: Promoting low carbon agriculture

3.1.2. Activity 2: Establish information systems for sharing low-carbon agricultural production applications.

At present, models of application of low-carbon agricultural production technology are in the process of preparing registration dossiers and elaborating economic-technical reports. Therefore, there is no data sharing system.

3.1.3. Activity 3: Training of researchers and extension workers (including study tours) on the effective application of low-carbon agricultural production technologies.

In 2013, organize a study tour to exchange experience in the country on exchanging experience in low carbon agricultural production and research on biogas technology, animal waste management for 43 provincial and district officials. In Phu Tho and Son La provinces. The visit has provided staff with a clear understanding of agricultural production, carbon mitigation and identification of progressive scientific technologies for local application.

In 2014, the project management board visited and learned about biogas technology and livestock waste management in Ha Tinh and Nam Dinh provinces for 26 officials from the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, The project management board, the agriculture and rural development department and the agricultural extension stations of the districts / cities after their visits to the contents and experiences are exchanged, learned, drawn and applied in practice in the locality. Bring high results.

3.2. Sub-component 3.2: Development of low-carbon agricultural models

3.2.1.Activity 6: Establishment of livestock waste management models for agricultural production and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (workshop on model identification, budget for model implementation)

- The workshop on introduction of technology has been successfully applied and identified the need for demonstration and training of technicians and farmers, with the participation of agricultural officials. Provinces and districts of 42 delegates; Of which female delegates accounted for 17%. From there, guide localities in selecting suitable models and identifying training contents for masons, farmers on biogas technology and low-carbon agricultural production technologies.
- The project management board has selected two demonstration models, including:
- Model 1: "Use of separator system to treat livestock waste as raw material for organic fertilizer production" will be applied in 8 farms in Tan Yen, Hiep Hoa, Viet Yen and Yen Dung.
- Model 2: "Use mobile separator system to treat livestock waste as raw material for production of organic fertilizer by household group" for two groups of households in Viet Yen and Hiep Hoa district

3.2.2. Activity 7: Training of extension workers and farmers on low carbon agricultural production technologies.
11 courses out of 33 training courses on comprehensive management of animal waste by composting technology for extension workers and farmers have been organized, reaching 33.3% of the implementation plan. One TOT training for 37 project staff, district level professional staff, Bac Giang Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, and 10 training courses for 300 farmers in the local area.
4. Component 4: Project Management

4.1. Project management
The provincial management board has clearly assigned tasks to the full-time and part-time staff so that the work is not overlapped, the components are deployed smoothly and on time. Every month the staff starts planning activities and reporting monthly. Quarterly, the project has a quarterly report of the results achieved; Exist and solution for each activity. As a result, leaders as well as PPMU members are oriented in the coming activity plan, while reducing meeting time.

4.2. Project monitoring and evaluation
The provincial PMU has developed a plan, actively conducting monitoring and evaluation after the acceptance of 10% of the number of biogas plants under construction. The process of guidance, technical advice, inspection, evaluation and acceptance of works are carried out by district technicians regularly and comprehensively.

In the coming time, the process of monitoring and assessing the implementation and operation of the low-carbon agriculture model, the internal audit, and the external audit will continue to be implemented in accordance with the provisions of the donor. And Central Project Management Board, and Vietnamese law.

4.3. Audit and evaluate the completion of the project
Annually, the project is independently audited for all activities of the provincial project management board.

4.4. Basic Investigation
The Provincial Project Management Board has carried out a survey on the number of biogas digester and identified the potential biogas users in 10 districts, 228 communes and 2,430 villages in the province by 2014. It is the basis for developing the project implementation plan for the following years.

In addition, the committee also conducts direct inquiries of farms, groups of households who apply for modeling to have practical information for evaluating dossiers of expression of interest in selection of farms, Household groups fully meet the selection criteria of the board.

4.5. Project reporting system
Quarterly, biannually and annually, the Project Management Board shall report on all activities of the project in accordance with the regulations of the donor and the requirements of the Central Project Management Board, the provincial People's Committee, the Department of Planning and Investment , Department of Finance and Department of Agriculture and Rural Development. Regular and unscheduled reports are regularly and fully implemented.

IV. Protection measures

4.1. Environmental Protection
In the project areas, especially those that have built small-scale biogas plants, they have limited and reduced the level of environmental pollution, reduced greenhouse gas emissions from livestock and Animal waste caused.

Safety and operation of the biogas works have been carried out, monitored and monitored closely so that no environmental incidents occur.

4.2. Social protection
During the implementation of the project, activities are implemented in accordance with the process and the provisions of law. Therefore not to occur incidents such as labor accidents, loss of security order, disunity, or complaints or denunciations.

4.3. Gender and Ethnic Minorities
The project has always paid attention to the percentage of women and ethnic minorities involved in the project. Up to 31/08/2016 the percentage of women participating in training courses accounted for 22%, ethnic minorities accounted for 5% of the 6,100 people, the proportion of women in conferences accounted for 35% of the total 1,729 people and in women conferences accounted for 15% out of 80 people.

V. Progress of procurement and financial management

5.1. Shopping Progress
Procurement projects full of equipment, stationery to serve the management of projects in accordance with schedule and regulations.

5.2. Financial management

FOR. Disbursement

6.1. Budget table

6.2. Disbursement progress
Accumulated ODA disbursement, counterpart funds from the beginning of the project to 31st August 2016 reached 20,164 million, equal to 44% of the plan of the project. In which, ODA capital reached 19,022 million, reciprocal capital from the provincial budget reached 1.141 million.

VII. Conclude
After 3 years of operation, the Provincial Project Management Board has always completed and met the schedule. Particularly, component 1 exceeds the plan for construction of small-scale biogas plant according to the project's pre-adjustment plan. The project information is widely disseminated to all classes of laborers in the area. the provincial. Component 3 developed the demonstration model but faced many constraints, but the provincial PMU always completed on schedule as requested by the Central Project Management Board.

VIII. Request

8.1. Recommendations to PPC
Provincial People's Committees have paid particular attention to the LCASP project in reviewing annual financial plans and allocating counterpart funds. In addition, the provincial People's Committee bases on the reality and potential of livestock development of Bac Giang, continue to pay attention to directing the components of the project, especially the development of biogas to reduce pollution. Environment, greenhouse gas emissions towards a stable, sustainable industry.

8.2. Recommendations to PTF / CPMU
Up to now the project has basically completed the number of biogas plants allocated, however, because Bac Giang province has the potential to develop large livestock along with the demand for the construction of biogas plant relatively. high. On that basis, the Central PMU is requested to consider increasing the number of small-scale biogas plants for the provincial project management board, adjusting the project management budget for the province, especially salary and allowances. For cadres to maintain experienced staff for the project.

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