Project progress report from the beginning of the project to August 2012 of Son La PPMUU

: Wednesday - 05/10/2016 10:20  |  Viewed: 1211
The Son La Low Carbon Management Project Management Unit reports progress of the project as follows:

I. Project Abstract

1. Project Title: Low Carbon Agriculture Support (LCASP).
2. Owner: Son La Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.
3. Name of sponsor: Asian Development Bank (ADB).
4. Location of the project: Son La province.

Unit entrusted with investment management: LCASP, under the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Son La Province.

6. Objectives of the project:

- To build a sustainable, efficient and environmentally friendly agricultural production through the promotion of the development and replication of research models and the transfer of agricultural production technologies towards reducing emissions. Greenhouse gas emissions and response to climate change mitigation; Effective use of natural resources, by-products in agriculture; Effective management of post harvest processing activities of agricultural products.

- Minimize environmental pollution caused by agricultural waste through expansion and development of biogas program from small scale household to medium and large scale to create clean energy source; Improve livelihoods and improve the quality of life of rural people.

7. Contents of the project

- The project has implemented 4 components:

+ Component 1: Livestock waste management.

+ Component 2: Credit for Biogas Value Chain (Implementing Bank)

+ Component 3: Transfer of low carbon agricultural production technology.

+ Component 4: Project Management.

8. Total resources

Total capital: USD 1,295,466, equivalent to VND 28,500 million.


- ADB capital: USD 1,069,193, equivalent to VND 23,522 million.

- Reciprocal capital: USD 226,273, equivalent to VND 4,978 million.

Details by component

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II. General situation

1. Organization, apparatus.

- The Management Board of the project "Low Carbon Agriculture" in Son La province was established under the Decision No. 427 / QĐ-SNN dated June 24, 2013 of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development with 6 participants, in Two full-time and four part-time, led by the deputy director of the project director. The Project Management Board has its own account and uses the legal status of the Department of Agriculture to operate, with the function and task of implementing management and monitoring activities according to the content of the feasibility report. The project was approved by the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development in Decision No. 2435 / NĐ-BNN-HTQT dated 09 October 2012; And Decision No. 1995 / QD-UBND dated 10 September 2013 approving the Master Plan for Action to be implemented in Son La of the Asian Bank for Agriculture Project (ADB) In Son La province and Decision No. 563 / QĐ-UBND dated 14/3/2016 of the Chairman of Son La People's Committee on Adjustment of the Master Plan for the Project "Support to Low Carbon Agriculture", Implementation Assurance According to the target, object, progress and content of the plan.

2. The main advantages and disadvantages in the implementation process.

Asian. Advantage.

- The project has the support, high consensus of all levels, branches, localities and people in the province.

- The attention and direction of the Central Project Management Board, the provincial People's Committee and the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in the activities of the unit.

B. Difficult.

- Technicians in the district work part-time should partly affect the implementation at the facilities.

- Son La is a poor province, the budget is mainly central so the counterpart fund for the project activities are difficult.

- Currently, in Son La province, there are many units involved in supplying biogas with composite materials not included in the project regulations. These works were heavily installed by farmers because of the much lower cost of construction than those of the same size as the companies authorized by the LCASP Central Project Management Board to provide work to the public.

- The number of households that have built / installed biogas plants compared to the number of livestock households

There are 2,871 works / 33,349 households in the whole province, of which LCASP is 1,542, 1,329 others. The reason is that many livestock households are concentrated in separate grazing areas (away from the residential area) so there is no need to build / install the works.

- On 13 May 2015, the People's Committee of Son La province issued Decision No. 13/2015 / QD-UBND detailing the implementation of Point b, Clause 3, Article 6 of Decision No. 50/2014 / QD. -TTg dated September 4, 2014 by the Prime Minister on policies to support the raising of farmer productivity in the period of 2015-2020 in Son La province Supporting construction / installation of biogas plant (Biogas) 5 million / 1 works higher than the support level of the project (project 3 million / project). So many farmers registered to build / install biogas plant, some digging pit stopped and wait for higher support level.

- Credit component 2, Agricultural Bank branches in districts did not create conditions for households who have built / installed biogas plants that have borrowed loans as stipulated in the regulations. Decision No. 1063 / QD-NHNo-DTC dated October 24, 2014 of the General Director of Agribank and Decision No. 510 / QD-NHNo-DTC dated April 24, 2015 of the General Director of Agribank. 437 households with a loan amount of 34,569.0 million). Should affect the progress of the project.

III. Project Progress under Component.

1. Component 1: Livestock waste management:

Asian. Sub-component 1.1. Comprehensive management of animal waste and carbon market development.

Activity 1

Detailed estimation and development plan for 12 training courses for extension workers, farmers and other stakeholders on comprehensive management of animal waste and carbon technology. Low application in the area of ​​12 districts (expected in October 2016)

Activity 2

- Workshop, propaganda and guidance for farmers on the management of animal waste and benefits of biogas plant. There were 131 propaganda workshops with 5,222 participants (3,988 people, 76.4% men, 1,234 women, 23.6%, 4,159 people, 79.6%).

- Organize a workshop to select potential livestock producers to build small, medium and large biogas plants in Son La province with 32 participants.

- Organized training on safe waste management, benefits of biogas plant and project operation for 1,316 participants (994 men accounting for 76%, 322 women making up 24% of the population). People make up 52.7%).

- Coordinate with the agricultural extension system to disseminate the benefits of the biogas plant to farmers in the meetings of the agricultural extension club.

B. Sub-component 1.2. Support the development of biogas works.

Activity 7

- Technical support for farmers to build / install biogas plants

(Survey, design, quality control, pre-acceptance test, biogas operating manual).

- Inspecting and monitoring the existing biogas plant to ensure the environment and investigate the database.

Activity 8

- Training of 01 trainer class (TOT) with the content: biogas technology, safe husbandry and waste management for 29 trainees who are technicians of the province, district.

- Training of a class of masons and installation of biogas plants for 29 trainees who are construction and installation workers of districts and cities on biogas technology and waste management.

Activity 9

Direct financing for households building / installing biogas plants and improving livestock environment (small works of 3 million VND for each project, 10 million VND for each project, Large size of each project 20 million VND).

- Coordinate with the Extension Station to deploy the construction and installation of 1,571 biogas plants.


+ 2014: The total number of construction and installation works of 422 works in accordance with the project implementation manual has been completed, and 108 items of brick and 314 Composites of companies (Quang Huy, Hung Viet, Thanh Loc KT3C).

+ 2015: The total number of construction and installation works: 686 works in accordance with the project implementation manual and completed construction of all items (235 built by brickwork KT1; 451 works of composite material).

+ In 2016: Total construction and installation of 463 works (87 works by brick under KT1, 376 works by composite materials).

- Technical support for construction of biogas plants (survey, design, construction supervision, quality control ...) for 1,571 farmers in 12 districts / city.

- Direct financial support to households for the construction of biogas works and improved livestock environment (small works of 3 million VND each). Supported 1,128 works for 1,128 farm households, 443 works are checking.

2. Component 3. Transfer of Low Carbon Agricultural Production Technology.

Coordinate with the Institute of Irrigation and ADB's Advisory Group to survey the situation of agricultural production in districts to develop / replicate models of research and transfer of agricultural technology towards Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the impacts of climate change and training on low-carbon agricultural production technologies using agricultural by-products.

2.1. Sub-component 3.1. Promoting low carbon agricultural applications.

Activity 3

- 2014: Organize 01 study tour to exchange experiences on biogas technology and animal waste management in two provinces: Bac Giang and Nam Dinh for 22 delegates who are leaders of Department of Agriculture ; Departments and units under the Department of Agriculture; LCASP Project Management Unit; Agriculture Extension Center; Agricultural extension stations in districts and cities; Technicians.

- 2016: Organize 01 visit to exchange experiences in management, supervision, construction, operation and maintenance of small, medium and large biogas plants and waste disposal of livestock with the direct carrier Use, use. Visit the models of low-carbon agricultural production ... in two provinces: Nam Dinh and Ha Tinh for 24 delegates who are leaders of Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, departments, units, LCASP Project Management Unit, Station District / city extension workers and technicians.

2.2. Sub-component 3.2. Construction of low-carbon agricultural production.

- Survey on the selection of five models of low-carbon agricultural production (HP3)

+ Model of separation of pig farm scale (4 models).

+ Pilot model of separating dairy farms (1 model).

- Develop and implement five models of low-carbon agricultural production (ADB and the Central Project Management Board).

3. Project Management (Component 4).

- Annually, every month, members formulate work plans for submission to leaders for approval and organize the implementation thereof.

- Coordinate with the agricultural extension system to disseminate the project activities and benefits of the biogas works in 12 districts / cities.

- Investigating 1,836 villages / sub-zones of 121 communes in 12 districts / city in terms of total number of households, number of households having biogas plant construction / installation and number of potential households for construction / installation Specific biogas program:

+ Total farming households: 33,349 households.

+ The total number of households that have installed biogas works: 2,900 works, of which (LCASP project is 1,571 projects, QSEAP project is 351 projects).

+ Total number of farming households without biogas works: 30,478 households.

+ Total number of livestock households with more than 10 heads of pigs: 13,761 households.

- Assignment of staff in charge of monitoring project activities in districts / cities. To dispatch officers in charge of gender, ethnicity, database synthesis, monitoring and evaluation under the CPMU's guidance. Make good reports monthly, quarterly year in accordance with regulations.

- Coordinate with concerned units to audit and settle ADB's annual capital source in accordance with the regulations of the Government of Vietnam and ADB.

IV. Measures to ensure safety.

- Socio-economic development policies in the renovation period have encouraged private enterprises and individual households in Son La to invest in livestock development as a commodity production sector. Medium- and small-scale animal husbandry farms are being replicated throughout the province, meeting most of the demand for consumption and export. However, businesses have only recently invested to improve the productivity and quality of livestock and have not paid sufficient attention to control the amount of waste discharged in the process of raising livestock. According to statistics, currently Son province has 165,920 buffaloes, 214,640 bovines, 17,500 dairy cows, 54.8570 pigs ... estimated cattle waste, cattle at Son La discharges about 9,000 tons of solid waste a day, which is newly treated and used as fertilizer or aquaculture for about 50%. Agricultural production is the main cause of pollution of land, water and air, affecting the public health and sustainable production of the livestock industry itself.

- Activities of Son La PPMU in the last period have promoted the process of reducing environmental pollution caused by agricultural waste through the expansion and development of the biogas program from small scale household works. Create clean energy; Improve livelihoods and improve the quality of life for rural people towards building a sustainable, efficient and environmentally friendly agricultural production, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and responding to / To mitigate the impacts of climate change, to effectively use natural resources and agricultural by-products in Son La. In addition to creating a clean energy source for living, biogas plants contribute significantly to minimizing pathogenic and pathogenic agents in animal waste. Wastewater from biogas systems has also been used by some households for irrigation of crops and has been shown to be effective in reducing the amount of chemical fertilizers.

4.2. Ensure social security.

- The results of the implementation of the Low Carbon Agriculture Project in Son La show that the project has contributed to attract labor, create more jobs for a part of the labor force, and bring socio-economic benefits to people. Production, thereby contributing to improving the quality of life for people, especially ethnic minorities. In general, the technique of building and operating biogas reactors is simple and suitable for ecological zones, thus creating jobs for some workers in Son La.

- Biogas technology / biogas is one of the solutions to sustainable management of animal waste as well as waste in rural areas in particular and in Son La province in general. Biogas technology helps to generate clean renewable energy - limiting deforestation, using fossil fuels, biogas products as biogas - non-traditional fuel sources in Vietnam: The demand for cooking, lighting, making cooking easier, cleaner, and saving time and contribute to sustainable environmental sustainability for communities in Son La.

4.3. Gender and ethnic minorities.

In recent years, the implementation of gender equality in Son La has made a lot of outstanding achievements, but women in general and ethnic minority women in particular have many difficulties in receiving services. Basic social security, especially paid work. Gender mainstreaming in LCASP activities in Son La has been carried out in parallel with the LCASP training and dissemination activities to promote the participation of ethnic minority women in Son La in activities The dynamics of the community, ensuring the sustainable development of ethnic minority areas.

V. Perform Procurement and Financial Management.

5.1. Shopping Progress.

Since the beginning of the Son La PPMU project there has been no such activity.

5.2. Financial management.

Implement financial management in accordance with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Loan 2968-VIE (SF) Loan and the current Vietnamese Government regulations (LCASP). Male and sponsor.


Total: 6,527 million (Amount in words: Six thousand five hundred and twenty seven million)

In which: - ADB loan: 5,397 million.

- Local reciprocal capital: VND 1,130 million.

VII. Conclude.

- At the time of reporting, Son La PPMU completed the contents of the project as planned, but with the characteristics of a mountainous province, traffic is not favorable, sparse population density should be expected. Son La LCASP has encountered many difficulties in the development of household biogas. In addition, the Prime Minister's Decision No. 50/2014 / QD-TTg has made it difficult for the project. The support level is higher than 2,000,000VND for each project.

- Credit component 2, Agricultural Bank branches in districts did not create conditions for households who have built / installed biogas plants that have borrowed loans as stipulated in the regulations. Decision No. 1063 / QD-NHNo-DTC dated October 24, 2014 of the General Director of Agribank and Decision No. 510 / QĐ-NHNo-DTC dated 24/4/2015 of the General Director of Agribank.

- The criteria for selection of households / groups of households participating in low carbon agricultural production (Component 3) under the guidance of the CPMU, LIC is not suitable with the local reality, therefore, the Son La PPMU is difficult for The design, perfect demonstration model.

VIII. Request.

8.1. Recommendations to PPC.

- Son La PPC is requested to provide sufficient counterpart fund for the project activities as per the MOET's overall plan.

- Son La People's Committee is requested to balance capital sources and integrate the part of animal waste treatment support in accordance with the Decision No. 13/2015 / QD-UBND detailing the implementation of Point b, Item 3, Article 6, Decision No. 50/2014 / QD-TTg dated September 4, 2014 of the Prime Minister on policies to support the raising of the efficiency of farm households in the period of 2015 - 2020 in Son La province. Assigned by the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Son La to be the project coordinator for the project "Low Carbon Agriculture Support".

8.2. Recommendations to the Central Project Management Board.

- Provision of technical guidelines and procedures for the implementation of Component III in time to speed up the implementation of Component III in the province (guidance on procedures for implementation of demonstration and deployment models). Research topics, organizing training courses on low-carbon agricultural production technologies, etc.)

8.3. Recommendations to ADB.

- Ask ADB to consider raising the level of small-scale assistance from 3 million to 5 million to be in line with Decision No. 50/2014 / QD-TTg of the Prime Minister for the provincial project management to complete. Into the assigned plan.

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