Bac Giang - Effective from biogas in Yen Dung

Bac Giang - Effective from biogas in Yen Dung

  •   22/11/2016 10:20:00 AM
  •   Viewed: 1217

At present, the model of building biogas is increasingly selected by many livestock households in Yen Dung district (Bac Giang) as an effective solution to overcome environmental pollution, save energy, create quality. Burn and have more fertilizer for plants.

Set up from the farm economy model

Set up from the farm economy model

  •   22/11/2016 10:20:00 AM
  •   Viewed: 1332

In the production transition area of ​​Trung Thanh Commune (Vu Ban District), among the integrated economic models brought high economic value, we were introduced to the farm of over 1.1 ha of Mr. Bui Duy Ngoc In the neighborhood.

Nam Dinh - Low Carbon Agriculture Project contributes to reduce rural environmental pollution

Nam Dinh - Low Carbon Agriculture Project contributes to reduce rural environmental pollution

  •   22/11/2016 10:20:00 AM
  •   Viewed: 1409

Environmental pollution caused by livestock is mainly caused by solid waste, liquid waste, dust, noise, dead animals and dead poultry. Currently, there are only 20% of the total farms in the province. Farms are built in concentrated areas, the rest are located near or intermingled residential areas. Total pigs of the province

Ben Tre - Discussion on construction and development of biogas works

Ben Tre - Discussion on construction and development of biogas works

  •   22/11/2016 10:20:00 AM
  •   Viewed: 1316

The Ben Tre low carbon agriculture project management board has cooperated with Ben Tre television station to organize the discussion on construction and development of biogas project. Project managers, technicians, mason, installers will answer any questions about the construction, installation and operation of the biogas plant.

Using residues, liquid waste from biogas digester as fertilizer for crops

Using residues, liquid waste from biogas digester as fertilizer for crops

  •   21/11/2016 10:20:00 AM
  •   Viewed: 1259

In large-scale livestock development, the construction of biogas plants not only addresses the problem of environmental pollution, but also produces a good source of fertilizer for the crop. Recognizing this great benefit, many households in Phuc Hoa commune, Tan Yen district (Bac Giang) have used waste water, biogas waste to irrigate the trees

Binh Dinh - Organize training on comprehensive management of animal waste

Binh Dinh - Organize training on comprehensive management of animal waste

  •   21/11/2016 10:20:00 AM
  •   Viewed: 1184

The Management Board of the Provincial Low Carbon Agriculture Support Project (under the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development) said that so far, the Management Board held 12 training courses on comprehensive management of animal waste for 360 rolling Extension workers and local farmers in the province.

Breeder   quot; Concrete biogas reactor

Breeder quot; Concrete biogas reactor

  •   18/11/2016 10:20:00 AM
  •   Viewed: 1391

To find out why the farmers revered the concrete biogas tunnels, we followed the staff of the Nam Dinh Provincial Agricultural Extension Project to Mr. Pham Van Viet's house in the village. Nguyet Ha, Yen Tan commune, Y Yen district.

Mr. Nguyen Van Hai: High income thanks to the closed process

Mr. Nguyen Van Hai: High income thanks to the closed process

  •   18/11/2016 10:20:00 AM
  •   Viewed: 1336

In recent years, when pig farming is precarious due to disease, market prices fluctuate, many farmers in Cai Lay district has been actively raising biosecurity and high profit. Typically, Mr. Nguyen Van Hai in Long Quoi hamlet, Ngu Hiep commune.

Bac Giang - In 2016, the province will build 1,500 biogas plants

Bac Giang - In 2016, the province will build 1,500 biogas plants

  •   17/11/2016 10:20:00 AM
  •   Viewed: 1268

According to statistics in 2016, Bac Giang province has built 1,500 biogas plants from the LCASP project, bringing the total number of works carried out since the project to date in the province is 6,000 tunnels.

The house has a biogas tunnel

The house has a biogas tunnel

  •   17/11/2016 10:20:00 AM
  •   Viewed: 1790

Up to now, Hai Phong commune, Hai Hau district (Nam Dinh province) has built and installed about 300 biogas plants. Many 7 pigs also build biogas tanks

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