Official letter on environmental management in animal husbandry of Lao Cai province

: Thursday - 25/02/2016 22:20  |  Viewed: 1361
Official letter on strengthening the management and guiding the implementation of regulations on environmental protection in livestock production; Slaughter of cattle and poultry of Lao Cai Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
No .: / SNN-CNTY

Reinforcing management, guidance
Implement regulations on environmental protection
In livestock operations; Slaughter
Cattle and poultry

Lao Cai, May 2016
To: People's Committees of districts and cities.

Over the past years, the Lao Cai animal husbandry industry has been paid much attention to investment and has shifted from a small-scale, fragmented animal husbandry to an industrialized one. The annual increase in farms contributes to an increase in the structure of livestock production within the agricultural sector. However, livestock development has polluted the environment and has a direct impact on human health. Implementing Document No. 2361 / UBND-TNMT dated 26/5/2016 of Lao Cai People's Committee on enhancing the management and protection of environment in Lao Cai province, Department of Agriculture and Rural Development proposed to the Committee People's committees of the district and city implement the following:
1. Continue to review livestock planning, slaughter planning in the locality; Suggested adjustments and additions to problems inadequate; To apply scientific and technological advances in the field of environmental protection in animal husbandry and poultry and slaughter.
2. Direct the Agriculture and Rural Development Department, the Animal Husbandry and Animal Health stations to coordinate with the Commune People's Committees in propagandizing and guiding people to execute and well implement Decision No. 59 / QD-UBND dated 06 / 10/2014 of the People's Committee of Lao Cai Province promulgating regulations on environmental protection in breeding activities; Slaughtering cattle and poultry in Lao Cai province; To abide by the regime of inspection and supervision of environmental protection; To use feed and veterinary drugs in the list of those permitted for circulation in Vietnam, absolutely no veterinary medicines have expired. Guide farmers and slaughterers to speed up the application of scientific advances in the field of environmental protection such as using biogas waste treatment methods; Use cushions in breeding; Compost, deodorize, ...
3. Direction of Natural Resources and Environment Division to guide owners of animal raising and slaughtering establishments to make environmental assessment reports and register environmental protection commitments.
4. To intensify the inspection, examination and handling of violations in the performance of environmental protection in animal husbandry and slaughtering activities.
5. Synthesize, report the results of implementation to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development before the annual date

The People's Committees of districts, cities are requested to pay attention to directing and implementing.

Recipient: ADVISOR
- Department of Natural Resources and Environment;
- Department of Agriculture and Rural Development / Economic District, City;
- Sub-Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary;
- Department leaders;
- Save: VT, CNTS. To Manh Tien




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