Luc Nam - x3A, 90 - x25, Biogas digester built according to KT1 form

: Monday - 17/10/2016 10:20  |  Viewed: 1177
In 2016, Luc Nam district was allocated 120 gas turbines by Lucas LCASP. By this time, 100% of the tunnels were built.

Of which, 90% of tunnels were built according to KT1 form; Remaining 10% composite model. These tunnels are distributed equally in all communes in the district.

It is known that 50% of the tunneled households received support from the project (VND 3 million / small tunnel). The remaining tunnels have been accepted and are in the process of completing the application form.
Thus, since its implementation, the entire Luc Nam district has more than 500 biogas plants built under the LCASP project.

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