LCASP Bac Giang # x3; Preliminary summing-up meeting in the first nine months of 2016 and deployment of tasks in the last 3 months of 2016

: Monday - 28/11/2016 10:20  |  Viewed: 1323
At the beginning of November, the Low Carbon Agriculture Support Fund Management Board of Bac Giang province held a pre-summation meeting in the first nine months of the year and deployed the task in the last 3 months of 2016 successfully.

Attending the meeting were representatives of Bac Giang provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, representatives of the leaders of the Agriculture and Rural Development Department of the districts / cities with the leaders, cadres and technicians of the PMB and Representatives of masons, representatives of composite companies ... participate in the project; Mr. Vu Dinh Phuong - Project Director of Lcasp Bac Giang presided over the conference.

The meeting listened to Mr. Nguyen Trung Kien, Deputy Project Director, reporting on the implementation of the project in the first 9 months of 2016. The report highlighted the achievements as well as the difficulties that need to be solved. overcome.

After the report, the delegates discussed and contributed their opinions in the spirit of construction so that the content of the report could be improved. At the same time, representatives of the agricultural department, technicians, representatives of the mason team and representatives of some composite companies expressed their suggestions and recommendations to put the project activities in the last months of the year. And in the coming years will be more effective, benefiting more people, especially women, poor people and minorities.

Preliminary thinkers have met the expectations of the participants and are the basis for better fulfillment of tasks in the last months of 2016.


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