Langjiang - Great effect from biogas

: Monday - 26/09/2016 10:20  |  Viewed: 1233
In recent years, the model of construction and use of biogas plants in Lang Giang district (Bac Giang) has developed quite strongly. Thanks to biogas, many households have made use of gas, fertilizer waste, limiting labor, contributing to the environmental pollution in livestock.

LCASP technician in Lang Giang district discussed with Nguyen Van Ngoc about how to use biogas to achieve maximum efficiency.

For more than 10 years, Mr. Nguyen Van Ngoc's family, Tuan Thinh village, Tan Thanh commune, Lang Giang district (Bac Giang), pig raising with scale from 100 to 200 pigs. Previously, his family spent more than 500 thousand dong a month to buy fuel, on the hot summer days waste in the pigsty is very upset ...

Since 2014, thanks to the Bac Giang low carbon agriculture support project (LCASP), the budget of VND 3 million has been invested in the construction of a biogas digester system with a capacity of 40 m³. With the technical support of district project technicians, the biogas plant has been completed and put into effective use.

Mr Nguyen Van Ngoc said, "Since the biogas digesters, my family has saved fuel costs in daily activities, and the residue from my biogas digester has been fed into the pond for fish feed. In addition, it is used to make fertilizer for crops, vegetables ... self-sufficient, not buy, my family is happy to choose this biogas.

Sharing that joy, with the support of 3 million VND from the project, Mai Thi Huong's family, Vinh Thinh village, Tan Hung commune (Lang Giang province) have invested in building biogas to save costs, reduce umbrellas. Environmental infection. Huong's family currently owns about 100 pigs, thanks to the biogas pit, which the pig waste present in her family has used to use as fuel for cooking pigs. Not used, but also used as fertilizer for plants.

Ms Huong said, "My family built a biogas digester in 2015, and since then I have found that the environment is a lot cleaner and more comfortable, especially when it comes to cooking and cooking. I am very happy because of the significant reduction of labor and working time. "

Nguyen Thi Huong's family uses biogas as a fuel for their daily activities

In fact, from 2014 to date, there are nearly 1000 breeding households in the district to participate in the project. After propaganda, dissemination and technical guidance, most households have constructed biogas reactors in the KT1 style, including charging tanks, treatment tanks, pressurized tanks (this is the type of tunnel used in the basement area). Good soil, low water table, deep excavation and narrow area. Since then, households have saved on fuel costs, fertilizers for plants, fish feeds, reduced labor, and fresh air in the neighborhood.

According to Nguyen Thi Bac, head of the LCASP mason team in Lang Giang district, to have good quality biogas plants, we need to pay attention to construction materials and techniques. It is important to survey the topography and conditions of each family for proper construction and installation, otherwise it will affect the quality of the gas. In addition to the need to guide people how to use the right technology and appropriate to network the highest efficiency for each family.

Commenting on the quality of using biogas plants in Lang Giang district, Hoang Van Son, a specialist from the Agriculture and Rural Development Department, LCASP technician in Lang Giang district, Bac Giang, said: "Over 3 years The implementation, implementation of the project, many households in the district have responded sympathy, this is a good sign for us. Based on the actual survey of households who have been using biogas plants, we find that the gas quality is good, stable and stable. Environmental pollution in these areas has decreased significantly. "

From the effects of the biogas plant, it can be seen that this is the right direction that brings practical results to the farmers in Lang Giang and other districts in the province in general, contributing to promoting livestock production. Sustainable development, avoiding environmental pollution.


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