Hoai Nhon develops high quality beef herds

: Tuesday - 08/11/2016 10:20  |  Viewed: 1253
Understanding the market demand for high quality beef supplies, along with the orientation of functional sectors, many households in Hoai Nhon district have boldly invested to expand the scale of raising cattle. High quality beef cattle raising.

Cattle raising in Hoai Nhon.

Nguyen Thanh Ca (Trung Hoa village, Tam Quan Nam commune) is one of the leading households in raising high quality beef cattle in Hoai Nhon district. In 2015, the hybrid cattle breeding brought high economic efficiency, so he moved to invest in hybrid cattle. In 2016, his household was selected by the Provincial Animal Breeds Center as a high performance beef production site.

Supported by the model, Mr. Ca invested 10 hybrid cows, raising his cattle to 20. Compared to the profitability of cattle raising, Mr. Ca said: "Intensive cattle breeding helps to increase the weight of cattle, the average daily can increase from 8-9%, each month can profit from 1 million VND / cow ".

In addition to feeding grass, Mr. Ca also added puree like corn, rice bran for cattle. He regularly cleans the cages and vaccinates all scheduled vaccines to ensure health and prevent disease for the herd.

In addition to his enrichment, Mr. Ca also enthusiastically instructed his relatives in the area of ​​effective crossbreeding; Implement hybrid breeding for cattle raising households in need.

It can be said that not only the family of Ca, commercial cows are becoming the main source of income for many households in Hoai Nhon district.

In addition to the initiative of farmers, in recent years, the agricultural extension station of Hoai Nhon district also coordinated with functional branches of the province and district to organize training in transferring science and technology, Cattle raising, with the grass species Mulato 2 and Guinea grass in the localities with the number of cow herd; At the same time, transfer of high quality beef production process to livestock producers.

Mr. Tran Nhat Phuong, a member of Hoai Nhon District Agricultural Extension Station, said: "From 2015 up to now, 100% of cow breeds have been supported by the State, Hoai Nhon district has trained and trained team leaders. Spawning cattle to breed local herds, with the total number of pregnant hybrid cows in 2015 and the first 9 months of 2016 in the district about 3,150 children, contributing to increase the proportion of crossbred cattle in the district accounting for more than 80% of total paste".

The policy to improve the quality of cow herds in the district along the direction of producing goods close to the market demand has been supported by the people. Up to September 2016, the district has more than 25,500 cows, an increase of more than 1,700 children over the same period in 2015.

Mr. Nguyen Chi Cong, Vice Chairman of Hoai Nhon District People's Committee, said: "In the coming time, the district will continue to adopt policies to support the farmers to develop high-quality beef herds; Thereby, actively contributing to the improvement of the quality of local herd of cattle, helping people develop sustainable economy from raising cattle. In particular, the district People's Committee has developed a scheme for livestock development in the period 2015-2020, focusing on the development of cow herd; For the western communes, orientation to set up concentrated livestock farms and planning the area for growing grass for cattle.

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