LCASP Bac Giang   # x3; Preliminary summing-up meeting in the first nine months of 2016 and deployment of tasks in the last 3 months of 2016

LCASP Bac Giang # x3; Preliminary summing-up meeting in the first nine months of 2016 and deployment of tasks in the last 3 months of 2016

  •   27/11/2016 10:20:00 PM
  •   Viewed: 1299

At the beginning of November, the Low Carbon Agriculture Support Fund Management Board of Bac Giang province held a pre-summation meeting in the first nine months of the year and deployed the task in the last 3 months of 2016 successfully.

Guide about 1,000 households how to compost from animal by-products

Guide about 1,000 households how to compost from animal by-products

  •   24/11/2016 10:20:00 PM
  •   Viewed: 1375

In the year 2016, from the LCASP project, nearly 1,000 households in Bac Giang province have mastered the composting process from animal by-products to avoid environmental pollution, ensuring sustainable agricultural development.

More than VND7 billion to implement the Low Carbon Agriculture Support Project

More than VND7 billion to implement the Low Carbon Agriculture Support Project

  •   23/11/2016 10:20:00 PM
  •   Viewed: 1252

The Low Carbon Agriculture Support Project this year includes: Supporting households to build biogas from 50-200 m3 to treat livestock waste; Training on advanced cultivation techniques to reduce greenhouse gas emissions; To build a technology transfer model for the production of bio-fertilizer.

Development of the VAC model thanks to the biogas plant project

Development of the VAC model thanks to the biogas plant project

  •   21/11/2016 10:20:00 PM
  •   Viewed: 1213

Thanks to participation in the LCASP project, using biogas digesters in animal husbandry, nearly one year, Mr. Nguyen Van Dinh, Tan Soi Hamlet, Dong Tam Commune, Yen The District (Bac Giang) Farm size. Since then, the family has been able to develop a model of garden-pond-animal economy (VAC) for high income.

Bac Giang - Effective from biogas in Yen Dung

Bac Giang - Effective from biogas in Yen Dung

  •   21/11/2016 10:20:00 PM
  •   Viewed: 1216

At present, the model of building biogas is increasingly selected by many livestock households in Yen Dung district (Bac Giang) as an effective solution to overcome environmental pollution, save energy, create quality. Burn and have more fertilizer for plants.

Using residues, liquid waste from biogas digester as fertilizer for crops

Using residues, liquid waste from biogas digester as fertilizer for crops

  •   20/11/2016 10:20:00 PM
  •   Viewed: 1257

In large-scale livestock development, the construction of biogas plants not only addresses the problem of environmental pollution, but also produces a good source of fertilizer for the crop. Recognizing this great benefit, many households in Phuc Hoa commune, Tan Yen district (Bac Giang) have used waste water, biogas waste to irrigate the trees

Bac Giang - In 2016, the province will build 1,500 biogas plants

Bac Giang - In 2016, the province will build 1,500 biogas plants

  •   16/11/2016 10:20:00 PM
  •   Viewed: 1267

According to statistics in 2016, Bac Giang province has built 1,500 biogas plants from the LCASP project, bringing the total number of works carried out since the project to date in the province is 6,000 tunnels.

"Silk Biogas Sister"

"Silk Biogas Sister"

  •   14/11/2016 10:20:00 PM
  •   Viewed: 1262

That is the name that people often call Ly Thi Lua (54 years old) - biogas builder in Song Khe 2 village, Song Khe commune (Bac Giang city).

Bac Giang - Promote information dissemination

Bac Giang - Promote information dissemination

  •   10/11/2016 10:20:00 PM
  •   Viewed: 1196

Recently, the Bac Giang PPMU has cooperated with Bac Giang Television Station to carry out 3 topics to introduce the project and effect of biogas reactor, Use of waste by-products in agriculture for composting.

Application of bio-preparations: Green agriculture, clean farm produce

Application of bio-preparations: Green agriculture, clean farm produce

  •   08/11/2016 10:20:00 PM
  •   Viewed: 1378

Reduce environmental pollution, increase production efficiency are the advantages when using biological products in cultivation and husbandry. However, the replication of these models in Bac Giang province has many obstacles.

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