Yen Bai accelerates the improvement of herds to enhance value

: Saturday - 08/10/2016 10:20  |  Viewed: 1121
With the advantage of mountainous provinces with large land, many natural grassland, food resources are plentiful and diversified ... but Yen Bai has not developed its advantages to develop livestock.

Seeing that disadvantage, in the restructuring of the livestock sector, the first thing Yen Bai has to do is to improve the herd.

Small local buffalo breed

According to Yen Bai Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, the total livestock population in Yen Bai is 622,013 in 2014, 643,519 in 2015 and 635,631 in the first six months of 2016. It is estimated that each year the herd of Yen Bai increases from 21,500 to 22,000. Of which 4,000 more buffaloes, 3,000 more cows, 14,000 - 15,000 pigs. The biggest disadvantage of the herd of Yen Bai is mostly local, small stature, slow growth, poor meat quality, so it is difficult to compete. For example, the cow herd, the term "beef" is local cattle, small body weight only a few dozen weight, grow slowly, so the productivity is not high. The pigs of the upland communes are mainly local pigs, free-grooming so the income of people from pigs is negligible. Speeding up the cattle herd is a step that Yen Bai's agriculture sector is determined to do in the coming years, with the aim of increasing the production and output of livestock in order to increase the value of the herd to increase the income of the people. . The provincial Center for Plant Varieties - Livestock has developed 24 artificial insemination spots for pigs in Van Chan, Yen Binh, Tran Yen, Luc Yen, Nghia Lo and Yen. TP Yen Bai. In the first nine months of 2016, the supply of insemination and insemination for sow herds was over 24,300 doses, the rate of insemination was over 90%. These are localities that develop good pig commodities that the market is consuming super lean pigs. It is expected that by 2016, Yen Bai's super-pig population will pass through artificial insemination on pigs of 320,000 / 670,000. The percentage of pigs of high quality pigs accounted for 47.7%. Recently, the price of super pig from 42,000 to 45,000 VND / kg, at 48,000 VND / kg has encouraged people to develop super lean pigs. Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Tuan of group 15A, Yen Binh town said: "My family feeds 15 sows supplied by the JSC, each year produce 300 piglets, partly sold to relatives, partly for raising Last year sold about 30 tons of porkers, this year may be more, the price of live hogs at 48,000 to 50,000 VND / kg.

Sister pigs from the family of Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Tuan

When we arrived, Tuan was expanding the ranch, expecting to raise 15 extra pigs from overseas. The total investment for the expansion of the pig farm was over VND300 million. However, he expects that by 2016 income from the pigs will be about VND1.3 billion, except for the cost of 400 million dongs. Yen Bai province is supporting the development of sow herds, each household of 10 sows in 2016, now has built eight models with 44 sows. For buffaloes, cows in the past 3 years Yen Bai has mated to 8,054 children, including 984 artificial breeding buffalo, the rate of 65%, 340 Murah buffalo. Breeding beef breeders were 7,070, 94.65%, of which 150 bulls were BBB, the rest were Brahman bulls.

The bean herd freed the mountain

BBB cows are born due to artificial insemination

Five-month-old buffalo due to artificial insemination During Yen Bai's rearing of the past years, foreign pigs and crossbreds have a high percentage of lean pigs, accounting for over 30% of the total pig population. Pig production also has five facilities of joint stock companies to build concentrated pigs. A total of 70 grandparents, 1,500 parent sows, mainly Yorkshire, Landrace, Duroc

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