World livestock trends

: Tuesday - 21/02/2017 10:20  |  Viewed: 3614
Today, consumers not only favor two green and clean elements in animal husbandry, but also animal welfare. This is a major trend of the livestock sector, and is a fundamental premise for sustainable development.

Organic food
Consumption of organic foods continues to increase, so sales of these items in the global market have increased by 11% in 2015, worth $ 39.7 billion and consumption trends. This will continue in the future. Melissa Abbott, deputy director at The Hartman Group in Bellevue, Washington, said: "The view of organic food from two generations, including young people born after 1995 (generation Z - the young generation born in Internet age and smartphone boom) and older generations have relatively large differences. More than half of people in the Z generation are aware of better organic food, while 39% are older. However, in the past few years, the organic food market is in a state of inadequate supply.
According to the International Federation of Organic Producers (Ifoam), the world has about 37.5 million hectares of organic farmland, representing about 0.87% of the total agricultural land. Countries with the largest organic farmland are Australia (12 million hectares), Argentina (3.6 million hectares) and the United States (2.2 million hectares). The largest consumer market for organic products is the United States with $ 24.4 billion, while Switzerland consumes the largest per capita food ($ 204).

One of the most costly aspects of organic food production is the shift from traditional production to organic production that takes at least three years. To remove the burden of costs, organizations such as the Organic Product Dealers Association (OTA) have worked hard to develop a certification of the transition process. This is also the project OAT has been doing for a year and is considered as potential for the transition from traditional to organic food.
At present, there are several large companies in the world associated with ranchers to gradually establish a stable organic food market. Most typically associated with the US organic grain cooperative, with members such as Annie's, Stonyfield, Organic Valley, Clif Bar, Nature's Path and Grain Millers.

Animal welfare
Growing consumer demand, pressure from social organizations, multinational conglomerates, food distribution and processing companies, supermarkets and restaurants are all improving animal welfare by For example, McDonald's Marks & Spencer, Unilever, Nestle and Woolworths (South Africa) have committed to a specific roadmap for the production and / or production of policies and regulations. Sell ​​products to ensure animal welfare. In addition, a survey in Europe and North America has shown that the majority of consumers are interested in animal welfare and that they are willing to pay a higher price for animals originating from farms. Humanitarian protection.



He was the first country to set animal welfare standards for livestock with six principles under the "Five Freedom" law. This is a solid foundation for future international animal welfare discussions and a precondition for the development of animal welfare laws in Asia, Australia, the EU and North America. Based on the standards in "The Five Freedoms," states have taken actions to improve animal welfare in farms, markets or slaughterhouses. The World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) also spread the action worldwide, focusing on animal health, animal welfare and public health. The OIE standards are used by many member countries for use in the pursuit of animal welfare in livestock, in business and in market development. All 180 OIE members from Britain to China, Uganda and Ukraine apply the 14 OIE global animal welfare standards.
However, not all countries can do the right thing. Developed countries that are more prone to financial resources and infrastructure than those in developing countries will be more likely to support animal welfare. Awareness of animal welfare is on the rise, animal husbandry in developed or developing countries can benefit from investing in the right direction and strictly implementing animal welfare standards. In breeding.

Environmentally friendly
Researchers at the National Livestock Research Institute in Kenya, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) and the Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), each year, Produced 586 million tons of milk, 124 million tons of poultry, 91 million tons of pork, 59 million of calves and buffaloes and 11 million tons of goat and sheep meat. Livestock production in developing countries contributes the highest rate of greenhouse effect, with 75% from ruminant animal husbandry and 56% from poultry and pig production. Therefore, pork and chicken are always rated as "environmentally friendly" when the greenhouse effect rate is 10%.
Over time, the EU has also successfully developed a sales tax rate model that is proportional to the average greenhouse gas emissions per unit of food. In addition, many livestock companies have made breakthroughs with innovative products. Like the Uphouse poultry farm in Norfolk, Norfolk, England, the UK has developed a low-emission poultry combustion system to produce heat. The farm can produce its own clean, dry and free-flowing heat, improve the bird habitat, and save a lot of money. Butler's Butler farm in North Carolina, the United States, uses biological pads to block waste and discharged directly into a treatment chamber that can hold nearly 4 million liters, where bacteria break down within 21 days, giving birth. Methane gas Gas enters small tubes to a building where the generators are located, gas is burned to generate electricity and sold to cooperatives in the area. The rest of the waste is led through pipes to two large reservoirs covered with nylon. As a result, Butler's farm significantly reduced the unpleasant odor of the farm. Rainfall also does not pollute the vicinity. The farm's power generation system generates enough power for 90 fridges. Butler's system costs more than $ 1 million.
But the meat industry is three times more harmful to the environment than the other industries, according to research published by Time magazine's Bryan Walsh. The ecologist Brian Machovina also mentioned in the Ensia: "The livestock sector is responsible for 15% of all greenhouse gas emissions, almost equivalent to direct emissions from transportation. " According to these scientists, the planet we live in is not like a giant farm because 40% of the surface of the earth is used to produce food for human consumption.

What is the future of global livestock industry? There have been a number of assessments indicating that the livestock sector will still face many of the challenges of climate change, and greater pressure to meet demand as population explodes, income and acceleration. Urban sprawl lasts for at least a few decades. However, from a global perspective, the advancement of science and technology in the field of breeding, nutrition and veterinary medicine will help to promote livestock in a green, clean and sustainable way.

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