Training on animal waste management.

: Thursday - 12/01/2017 22:20  |  Viewed: 1383
In December 2016, the Low Carbon Agricultural Support Project organized two training courses on the management of animal waste in Phu Tho and Tien Giang provinces. Attending and opening classes held in Phu Tho province were Mr. Nguyen The Hinh - Project Director and Mr. Ta Huu Nghia - Head of the GN-ASXH Office, Department of Cooperative Economics and Rural Development.

Participants in the training courses were extension workers, district and commune staff, women's union, etc. in the participating provinces. During the course, trainees were trained in composting techniques, wormworm raising and biological padding.

In the form of teacher-centered teaching combining group discussions and field trips, the course provided participants with additional knowledge on livestock waste management, minimizing environmental pollution. And increase income for the people

Some class pictures:

Dr. Nguyen The Hinh - Project Manager of the opening class held in Phu Tho province

Ta Huu Nghia, Head of the GN-ASXH Head Office, Department of Cooperative Economics and Rural Development, is speaking at a classroom held in Phu Tho province.

Organizing field trips in Phu Tho province

Organizing field trips in Phu Tho province

Classes in Phu Tho Province take souvenir photos

A panoramic view of Tien Giang province

Lecturer presents lecture in Tien Giang province

Students in Tien Giang Province listened attentively

Organizing field trips in Tien Giang province

Organizing field trips in Tien Giang province

Pig farm in Tien Giang province

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