The man's haunting scared the three siblings die in the biogas reactor

: Monday - 15/05/2017 10:16  |  Viewed: 3082
"When all three of you were up, I noticed that Mr. Dang's legs still struggled, kicking around, I thought I could still save. And Dum and Dai are lying motionless ..., "he said.

As reported, at 9/5, in the village of Dong Bao, Gia Xuyen commune, Gia Loc district (Hai Duong) occurred the tragic accident caused 3 brothers Tang Van Dang (SN 1983), Tang Van Dam ( SN 1985) and Tang Van Doan (SN 1989) reside in Dong Bao village where local death due to asphyxiation of biogas.
In the morning of May 12th, the family, the clan, the local authorities held a memorial service for the victims.
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Ms. Ngan (his wife Diem) on the photo, the remains of her husband with him, her husband before the funeral. Photo: Đ.Tuỳ
The scare thing reminds everyone of fear. The first person to come to the scene to take the victims out of the biogas cellar, Mr. Tang Van Ser (SN 1975, his maternal uncle) is not shocked. He said, at the time of the incident at that time his family was closed and gate to sleep. However, when she heard the voice of Mrs. Mo, he started to run.
"When I arrived, I saw the dark biogas cellar with no electricity, but there was a built-up ladder coming down the tunnel and I knew for sure that the three brothers were still there. Then I went down to find the children without thinking under the cellar poison gas, "he said.
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 Mr. Binh was the first to be present at the scene saving three siblings from falling into the biogas pit. Photo: Đ.Tuỳ
As he descended the ladder, he caught his foot under the hole and found underneath the water and tried to put it up. However, the mouth of the tunnel is small, so it is very difficult to bring one up. At the same time, Mr. Tangvan (45, my neighbor) rushed to help me with my three brothers. "
Recall, when Miss Mo calls for the rescue of 3 dead boys under the biogas pit, the neighborhood has been closed to sleep so few people know what to rescue.
"At that time, I was out of the gate when Mo told me to call him, she said:" He died under the pit and Pooh! " Hearing that, I opened the gate to run but knew that the manhole was not running so I ran into the flashlight. Arrive to see Mr. Binh is trying to bring the victims to the mouth of the tunnel, "he recalled.
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The biogas reservoir makes the three siblings suffer asphyxiation death. Photo: Đ.Tuỳ
Because the mouth of the baby's mucus is just a medium person, so when bringing the victims up is a difficult thing, there are times when iron bars to hook into the clothes. When Dai, he was taken up, because the mouth area was tight enough to push him to the remote to make room for the other.
Mr. Tuyen said: "When all three of you put up, I saw his feet still struggling to beat, lung and I think still alive can save, but Dum and Dai are lying motionless. However, when they were hospitalized, all three of them died. "
From the day of the incident up to now, no night and when he and Mr. Tuyen sleep, the image of three dead brother always haunted in thought. The more you think of the three brothers, the two are sad and merciful.
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The collapsed house of the victims of Tang Van Doan with two children's poetry while his wife leaves for many years.
Photo: Đ.Tuỳ
Tuyen choking: "Until now, although no relatives are intestinal but some brothers in the village sad and difficult are all together. Seeing 3 brothers in distress that we could not help but hurt. I just hope the three brothers soon escape and peace in nine.
According to research by PV, Moog's biogas cellar was built by the end of 2016, this tunnel has a depth of more than 2m, about 10 blocks wide and from the water surface up to about 1m above the tunnel mouth. On the day of the incident, about one week after the breakdown of the biogas plant was blocked, the children of Ms. Mo drank water to repair it, but the victims did not know that there was a poisonous gaseous substance in it if not to get rid of it. Fixing a date is not safe.
"When we came to save the three brothers just thought of being stuck in the vault, not thinking of being suffocated by poison gas." Now I think again, still scared, but before such a thing anyone knows anything, just rescue. Who is the first ... "he said.
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