The chicken farming is highly effective

: Wednesday - 07/12/2016 10:20  |  Viewed: 1247
Mr. Nguyen Xuan Phuc in Hamlet 2, Suc Ngoi commune (Hoa Binh city) is known for hard work, hard work. In 2015, he built a chicken and pig farm.

Mr. Phuc said: 10 years ago, I used to own a brick kiln but since the policy of the State to remove the old brick kilns are not up to standard, I did not make brick but switched to breeding .
In 2015, Phuc will invest 1,300 chickens. That year, he sold 1 ton of chicken meat at a price of 90,000 to 100,000 VND / kg, he collected more than 100 million, except for costs, while profits from 30-40 million. In 2016, he continued to feed with 100 chickens, 100 laying hens and 100 Egyptian chickens. With 100 chickens lay eggs, he also collected 25-30 eggs a day, selling at 4,000 VND / fruit and every 2-3 days, customers bought and placed his family eggs. In order to get the initial success, Phuc has tinkered with the literature on how to care for, nourish and prevent phagocytic disease. At the same time, breeding facilities must be clean, regular hygiene, sterilized to prevent disease.
Usually chickens are raised for about 3 months for sale but with Mr. Phuc's chicken for 4 months to sell. He did not feed the chickens fully with industrial bran but fed in the form of one month of industrial feed, second half of industry, half of concentrate; In the third month, we eat mainly corn bran, rice bran, duck and banana trees. In addition, the breeding area is planted with green trees to shade the chicken. Chicken runs so tasty chicken, chicken delicious.
In addition to raising chickens, he raised 5 more meat pigs. It is planned that next month, when he finishes the cage he will catch 2 more super lean breeding sows. In addition to raising livestock, Mr. Phuc also invested more rice mills to serve his children in the village and increase income for the family. His breeding model has just started but has worked.

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