Tet sad at the "capital" pig breeding

: Tuesday - 14/02/2017 10:20  |  Viewed: 1287
These days, instead of preparing to celebrate Tet, pig farmers in Dong Nai are sitting on fire because the piglet has reached the age of pigs but can not sell to anyone. A sad festival is coming to pig farmers.

Queue to be ... selling losses
Newly born pigs were given a week's lactation but Bui Van Giang (Nguyen Hue hamlet, Quang Trung commune, Thong Nhat district, Dong Nai province) felt sad. He said: "Every year to sell piglets to Tet, but this year this loss so now the family is no mood to welcome Tet."

"Each pig sold me a loss of about 1.5 million," said Giang sadly. According to Mr. Giang, with 30 pigs, each about 110kg was sold at 27,000 VND / kg, he earned more than 40 million loss. However, according to this man, selling pigs at this time is also very happy.

"The pigs come to sell age but no one buys, the more the farmer will get more holes. While nearly a month now traders only come to bid and leave without buying. To sell 30 pigs just now, I had to call 6.7 new sales, "Giang said.

About a month, many pig farms in Thong Nhat district, "capital" breeding of Dong Nai province, the country has the largest pigs in the country are sitting idle by the price of buying pigs are reduced day by day. More tragic, many households though accept the loss but traders do not ask questions, farmers have to queue in turn to buy porkers.

Only a few months ago, traders had to go hunting to buy pigs, only houses with pigs were sold to each other. But traders now go to see pigs and set a new date, want to sell fast, must lower the price. For those who do not accept the price of traders, only the "pigs" wait for the price! ", Bui Thi Nhi (Lac Son village, Quang Trung commune, Thong Nhat district).

At the pig farm of the family Nhi now has 100 pigs to sell, although pigs belong to the beautiful pigs (about 1.1 quintals per bird), but traders pay only 31,000 VND / kg. According to Ms. Nhi, this price is too low and if the sale will be heavy losses she is continuing to raise to wait up.

"If sold at the price as traders pay now, not enough money to feed pigs, but if continue to raise but miss the price increase will also hug larger holes," Ms. Nhi worry.

Consequences from ... pig house
Mr. Nguyen Kim Doan, Vice Chairman of Dong Nai Animal Husbandry Association, said that the price of freshwater pigs in Dong Nai province has decreased continuously in the past one month. Currently, the price of buying good pigs from 90 kg to 1.1 quintals is from 32,000 to 33,000 VND / kg, for pigs of fat from 1.1 quintals and only cost about 24,000 to 25,000 VND / kg. This is the lowest price recorded in the past 10 years.
"At the current price of pigs, what kind of raising farmers still have holes. For the self-producing households, self-mixing food, breeding techniques, pigs are not shrunken, no disease, the floor price must also reach 35,000 to 36,000 VND / kg to breakeven. For farmers to buy seeds, buy bran bear, the cost will be even higher, "Guan analysis.

According to Nguyen Kim Doan, the reason why the price of pigs reduced dramatically today is because the raisers racing to increase their flocks while not actively output.

Over the past two years, the price of pigs has been stable at high levels, with the price of pigs climbing up to VND 55,000 / kg as seven months ago, raising livestock farmers. According to statistics of the Dong Nai Animal Husbandry Association, two years ago, the total number of pigs in Dong Nai province was only about 1.3 million, now 1.8 million.

Meanwhile, the main output of Vietnamese pigs is still the Chinese market (consuming about 40% of domestic pig production), so when the market is closed do not pigs today, the price of pigs continuously decreased.

More than a month ago, Dong Nai exported 3,000 pigs to China each day, but only 200 to 300 pigs were exported each day. The amount of pigs that go out to reduce the amount of pigs to rise so prices fall, "Guan said.

In particular, the hog-rising situation does not come from small producers but also from large enterprises. According to Guan, this is the most significant increase in the total number of high-rise now.

"If small farmers increase the herd, the number of increase is not much but now as I know many businesses, large corporations are also pouring capital into livestock. Many of the former enterprises simply produce animal feeds now go to ... raise pigs. Of course, with strong financial strength, large corporations are increasing their number with hundreds of thousands of children, "Guo said.

It is recommended not to increase prices of veterinary drugs and animal feed

Recently, Dong Nai Animal Husbandry Association has proposed to send to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to intervene to the veterinary medicine and animal feed companies. Price increase.

According to Nguyen Tri Cong, Chairman of the Dong Nai Livestock Association, in the last 10 years, the pig industry has been facing many difficulties due to the low price of pigs. The current price of pigs (January 2017) is only 26,000-30,000 VND / kg, while the cost of breeding is 37,000-40,000 VND / kg. Thus, when a pig comes out, the average farmer loses about 10,000 VND / kg of live pigs. With this situation, many establishments and households have to reduce herds, even stop farming because of heavy losses.

While all livestock products sold decreased, but the prices of feed inputs were reduced, but not significantly, the remaining food, veterinary medicine, electricity, water ... all increased, leading to the cost Rising livestock has pushed many livestock producers to the brink of bankruptcy.

According to the Dong Nai Animal Husbandry Association, most of the veterinary drug suppliers are raising prices at the moment, the lowest is 3.5% and the highest is 17%, leading to the difficulty of livestock producers. The more miserable.

Therefore, the association called on veterinary medicine and animal feed companies to share difficulties with the farmers at present by not raising selling prices until prices of pigs are stabilized. This is to help the livestock farmers have the opportunity to maintain stable production in the coming time.

The association has also recommended that the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development intervene so that veterinary and animal feed companies will not raise prices at this time to share difficulties and help farmers overcome the deadline. Difficult now

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