Survey results of animal husbandry environment in Giao Chau commune, Giao Thuy district, Nam Dinh province

: Thursday - 11/05/2017 10:44  |  Viewed: 1445
     Time of survey: March 3.2017 In March 2017, the PPMU and the provincial coordinator conducted a survey on swine raising in Giao Chau commune, Giao Thuy district and other localities in Nam Dinh province.

The results show that:
- Pig raising associated with biogas works is a strong development trend, which is the practical demand of livestock farmers. However, due to insufficient finance, many localities can only implement over 50% of Giao Chau commune. 77%. A family of four to seven people, raising about 30-35 pigs with biogas digester with volume of 12-15m3, will help the family is full when the gas is used as fuel for cooking and living. If the gas is not used up, the ranchers share it with the surrounding households for free. Biogas waste water is used to irrigate crops or discharge into ponds and fields, but does not kill the trees or die fish. Pig production associated with Bioga technology helps reduce environmental pollution, does not affect the surrounding population, increases neighborly solidarity.
- The majority of pig households manage, operate and maintain Bioga tunnel well, some management is not good so biogas tunnel is not gas, slow repair.
- Proposing measures to overcome the environmental pollution:
+ For raising pigs under 1000 in cages without bath: * Collect 1 part of stool before rinsing the cage (about 2/3 of stool). Compost is collected to produce compost. For example, 900 pups will gain 1,800 kg and sell immediately at 300-400 VND / kg of fresh manure, if left for 5 days to sell 400-500. To collect dung of 900 pigs on the area of ​​about 720m2 pigs, only two jobs equals 300,000 VND, while selling fertilizer is 720,000 VND (1800 kg x 400 đ). Thus reducing the load Bioga tunnel also collected more money, but also reduced the amount of water to wash the cage.
+ For raising pigs from 1000 or more: • Build 1-2 waste collection tanks in front of HDPE. These tanks contain waste, after a few hours of deposition, if too much wastes, will partially overflow into Bioga cellar to produce gas for cooking, running biogas generator ... • Waste from this collection tank , The farmer will sell to the owner of the mobile separator. Implementing this solution will help reduce the load on the Bioga tunnel, get waste to produce organic fertilizer and reduce water use in pig production. Tong Khiem, Project Consultant, LCASP
LCASP Project Management Unit would like to introduce the article by Dr. Nguyen Tan Dung. Tong Khiem, Consultant for the Low Carbon Agriculture Project (LCASP)
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