Small initiative, great benefits

: Friday - 14/10/2016 10:20  |  Viewed: 1124
In his farmer's life, he used to grow rice, sugar cane, and watermelon but all had difficulty. When switching to mushroom production is delicious, but can not handle the temperature of sterilization of mushroom embryos should be large losses.

He investigated, eventually invented the device to ensure maximum heat sterilization of fungal embryos, so that the rate of embryo fungal embryo reaches nearly 100%.

Mr. Hoa (rightmost) is in the heat exchanger to sterilize the fungal embryo

This initiative was awarded the First Prize by the Farmer's Association and the Department of Science and Technology of Binh Dinh Province in 2015 and continues to be recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development for recognition of innovative farmers. He is Do Dinh Hoa (54 years old) in Thuong Son village, Tay Thuan commune (Tay Son district, Binh Dinh). In the early days of mushroom oysters, Mr. Hoa disinfected the mushroom embryos by taking the heat from the normal boiling water pan, but this amount was only below 1000C, while in order to be able to sterilize thoroughly To allow the fungal embryo sac, which needs heat to reach higher. Therefore, in the fungus, the amount of broken embryo bags is up to 20%, especially the embryo sacs are placed below. Find out, Mr. Hoa knows that using a pressure cooker will increase the heat and reduce the amount of embryo damage. Researched, Hoa found pressure cooker is still quite limited is only able to cook each batch has more than 600 bags of embryos, while to spend it has to spend 17-18 million. Do not choose this option, Mr. continued to explore through the media, he finally met the charm. "One day, I read the news that a German engineer" collected "heat in the people radiated in the subway station with a device that accumulates heat and from this heat can be" heated " For the whole city. One day, standing in the fire, the heat in the oven radiated violently, and I remembered the article and suddenly thought of how to take advantage of this excess heat to increase the temperature in the oven sterilization embryo. Think through this night and then, month after month, try this way I try another way. Finally, the simplest way to succeed, "he said. Simple equipment brought success of Mr. Hoa is a box of about 30 kg iron sealed, hollow intestines. The box is 45x20x10cm in size, the two ends connect the two iron pipes from the water-cooled pan to the sterilization furnace. This box is placed close to the furnace, next to the bottom of the pan.

Each mushroom harvest lasts for 3-4 months. "When I fire when the pan boils, then the iron box" eat "the fire was flaming fire, the heat of the iron box provided to the furnace disinfection. Embryo bags up to 1600C. As a result, the rate of damaged embryos dropped to only 1% -2%. In particular, this device costs 1.2 million VND, but can sterilize more than 6000 embryos, 10 times higher than the pressure cooker, "said Hoa. Increasing mushroom productivity According to Hoa, mushroom cultivation requires less land but with high income, only 5-6 sao of land each year will hold the revenue of more than 200 million dong, minus all expenses and net profit. 100 million. Also if the area planted noodles, sugar cane sweat can not earn the income. The output of the mushroom from the market in the province to the province is always stable, the full moon or the end of the lunar month without mushrooms for sale. Mr. Hoa is not only an innovator in raising the heat of disinfection of fungal embryos, he is also an innovator in the selection of mushroom materials. Often, mushroomers use only sawn powder, but Hoa has been using bagasse and has been successful. Previously, bagasse was carefree, because Tay Son district was the key material area of ​​Binh Dinh province, where he produced mushrooms near Binh Dinh Sugar Factory. "If you use a 22-bagasse bagasse, it will give you 4 kilns, each of which produces 800 bags, compared to using the same amount of sawdust and volume, 1/3 times. The price of sugarcane bagasse is cheaper than the saw dust many times, but the use of sugarcane pulp speed is very fast mushroom, higher productivity. One bag of bagasse (1.2kg) for harvesting 4 mushrooms, 1 bag of powdered rice (1.2kg) yields just over 3 kg. In particular, mushrooms made from bagasse are better than mushrooms made from sawdust. " However, according to Hoa, if using sugarcane bag long time will cause many diseases, such as yellow mold or insect attack. But when the mushroom has been insect infested by the insect is very difficult to treat and quickly spread, mushroom farmer risk of white hands. Therefore, using bagasse material for a time to change through the use of sawdust.

Mr. Hoa just one device accumulating heat (iron box) has just added unused

"Using sugarcane bagasse for about 3 years, then switch to sawdust, sawdust 2-3 years, during this time the germs have been destroyed, then back to make new bagasse safe," Hoa said. As improved heating of the sterilization furnace increased the bagging rate of the finished product from 70-80% to 98%, improved productivity through the use of sugarcane bagasse and control of fungal diseases, Hoa Increased production scale from 1,000 embryo / batches to 100,000 bags / batch at 19 mushroom farms. Each harvest lasts up to 3-4 months, when the yield is lower than other embryo replacement. "The harvest month is 2.5-2.6 tons of mushrooms, the month of the poor is 1.3-1.4 tons, average 17-18 tons a year, the lowest price is 20,000 VND / kg, When the fungus price hike up to 25,000 VND / kg, every month I collect mushroom about 40 million. With the total cost of raw materials, labor, I have a net profit of 20 million, "said Mr. Hoa excitedly. Thanks to the Vietnam Agriculture Newspaper. "In the previous years, in the heat of summer I often failed because of the winter mushroom do not tolerate summer weather. By reading the Vietnam Agriculture Newspaper, one day I saw a post by Prof. Nguyen Lan Dung, who advised on a new hot new mushroom called Phoenix that can be made in hot weather. So I put this mushroom into the work and from then it can produce continuously in the year to achieve high efficiency, "said Do Dinh Hoa share.

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