Rising from the pig production model

: Monday - 03/10/2016 10:20  |  Viewed: 1204
With diligence, hard work and determination to strive to enrich the homeland, Nguyen Tu (52) and Tran Thi Hoa (50 years old) are living in Le Mon village, Gio Phong commune, Gio Linh district. (Quang Tri) has quite high income from the model of raising commercial pigs.

Followed by Tran Thi Hoe, Chairwoman of Le Mon Women's Union, we visited Tu and Hoa's husband's pig farm. The farm is spaciously built under the green garden. He said, married couple are married with only white hands because both families are poor farmers. In turn, the three children in the life of the couple became more struggling.
"My husband and I farmed both fields and fields to get two acres and then to renovate the farmyard, to raise additional sows to raise children. Doing much, but only enough to eat and feed children to study only. It was not until about 5 years ago, my husband and I worked as a livestock feed agent, raising pigs, then our life improved, "he said cheerfully.
From the accumulated proceeds and additional borrowing, in early 2015, they set up closed barns for pig raising in the direction of large scale trade. Up to now, their model has 13 sows spawning and each lure raising about 100 porkers per year, raising about 3 litters per year.
"The first year of raising large scale pigs, my family sold nearly 700 million, except the cost is also more than 100 million. The first batch of litters due to the purchase of seed so the income is not high, but from now on when the pigs are active, the next couple I believe that income will be even higher, "she said.
They are also one of the pig households with knowledge and experience in care and prevention. Whenever pigs are sick, they are self-treated and vaccination stages for pigs are done very well, thus minimizing the risk of disease.
On this model, Tran Thi Hoe, Chairwoman of Le Men Women's Union, said: "In Le Mon village, Tu and Hoa are one of the hard-working households. Experience, master knowledge of pig breeding. They also often share experience, knowledge raising pigs for other households. From poverty, but you know how to strive to rise, master life and earn a high income is very commendable. Hopefully through this model, many other women members will follow and have effective business models to improve their incomes and improve their lives. "

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