An Loc cooperative was established in November 2016, with the purpose of gathering members in Quang Nghia commune who devoted themselves to raising Mong Cai pig breeds and sharing experiences to produce pigs under one Clean process to meet market demand. At the same time, proceeding to build and develop farms, large-scale farms and sustainable livestock raising, thereby raising incomes for cooperative members. To date, the cooperative has 7 members. The scale of raising has more than 1,000 meat pigs and Mong Cai pigs per year. In addition, the cooperative also breeding thousands more chicken a year ...
Nguyen Thi Loan family, director of An Loc cooperative is one of the households with large pig scale in Quang Nghia commune. With an area of more than 2.2 hectares, the family has invested nearly 2 billion VND to build a breeding farm (pigs, chickens), of which 25 cages for raising meat and Mong Cai sows are provided. Pork, breed for the market. Ms Loan said that with the aim of building a cooperative model to supply clean Mong Cai pork products to consumers, the first phase of building my family and the cities Other members in the cooperative are committed to building a brand of clean pigs with a strict production process from input to output. All farms of the cooperative members are built in a completely closed process. Mong Cai pig breeds are imported at reputable breeding centers. According to business strategy, in the next time, the cooperative will build more Mong Cai pigs for members in cooperatives and people in the area, thereby reducing production costs, selling prices for pork products clean Mong Cai Increasingly reach more consumers. At present, the form of farming is applied by families in cages in combination with free grazing in gardens, hills (daily drop from 4-6 hours). Pig feed is mainly made of vegetables, maize, banana combined with bran, rice ... Particularly, in order to take initiative in animal feeds, the family also makes use of manure through biogas digesters. Waste water used to grow ducks, vegetables. Currently, Ms. Loan's family is investing in building more bath tub, sand yard to increase the growth of pigs coming; Build organic manure compost piles to create fertilizer for crops and food sources with chicken worms.
According to the experience of the members of the co-operative, raising Mong Cai pure-water pigs takes more care than breeding pigs. By raising time until the barn from 4-6 months (pig usually 3-4 months). However, with the advantages easy to raise, less diseases, more laying ... Mong Cai clean pig breeding model of An Loc cooperative is promising more success and can be replicated further. With advantage Mong Cai pork hunting, sure, delicious and reared according to food safety procedures should be nearly double the price of conventional pigs.
Recently, with the clean, safe and environmentally friendly farming process, Mong Loc's pure-model pig raising model has been certified by Mong Cai City as a basis for safe and healthy hygiene. Products. This is a condition for the cooperative to continue developing, expanding the market and step by step building the brand name of the product.
Quang Ninh; Effectiveness of Mong Cai pure pig raising model
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