Prime Minister: Eliminate institutional barriers to agriculture and the countryside

: Wednesday - 28/12/2016 10:20  |  Viewed: 1182
2016 is an arduous and arduous year for the agriculture and rural development sector with a series of catastrophic incidents occurring on a continuous basis.

However, in the context of hard times, with correct solutions and drastic in implementation, agriculture still regain the recovery after the second half of the year.

This is an important result, confirming the direction, operating in the right direction, adjusting production and business in a timely manner and was highly appreciated by the Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc at the year-end conference of the agricultural sector and delivered. Rural development, held on 26/12.

Accelerated natural disaster
The difficulty of agriculture and rural development in 2016 starts with a long, cold 60-year war in 14 mountainous provinces in the North. This is followed by a series of historical periods in the southern central provinces and the Central Highlands; Drought, salty history (100 years) in the Mekong Delta.
Most recently, in the opposite direction, from early October 2016 to now, continuously 8 provinces of Nam Trung suffered 5 floods of history. Natural disasters have caused huge losses (including people and property), especially for agricultural production. In the first months of the year alone, 1 million people lacked fresh water, 300,000 hectares of rice yield lost from 30-80%, and in particular areas of loss.
According to the latest aggregated data from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the total number of deaths since the beginning of the year due to natural disasters is 253 persons, the total damages amounted to 39,000 billion VND, 700,000 ha of rice and flowers. Color, 400,000 acres of fruit trees, 1,410 boats sank and destroyed.
Due to heavy losses caused by natural disasters and marine environmental accidents, agriculture growth in the first six months was down 0.18%. A number of key export items, such as rice, coffee, rubber, cassava and shrimps, have all declined in both quantity and value.
Export vegetables for the first time over rice
Assessing the sector's results in 2016, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Nguyen Xuan Cuong saw a GDP growth of 1.2% after a challenging year as 2016 showed great effort. Large localities, farmers, guidelines of the Party, the Government and the whole political system. Over the past year, vegetables and fruits marked the remarkable growth when the export turnover of this commodity surpassed USD 2.4 billion in the first time this year, up 31.2% year on year. 2015.
The livestock sector also had a strong "boom" this year with a total increase of 29.1 million pigs (up 4.8%) and poultry up 364.5 million (up 6.6 %) ...; Livestock production value increased by 5.4% compared to 2015.
With the highest determination, the agriculture and rural development sector sets the GDP growth rate of 2.5-2.8%. The growth rate of production value of the sector is 3.0-3.2%. Export turnover is $ 32.0-32.5 billion. Rate of forest cover: 41.45%. Ratio of communes to 19 new rural criteria 28-30% in 2017.
Remarkably, in order to achieve the above-mentioned objectives, the ministry will focus on agricultural restructuring along the lines of three product axes, including national products (initially selecting 10 key products, Export value of $ 1 billion or more); Provincial products in the direction of each locality has 1-2 products and local specialties such as vegetables, flowers, pharmaceuticals ...
According to the "commander" of agriculture and rural development, these axes, when formatted and formed, must have centralized production areas, must have enterprises as the core, especially the product axis area. Home, province, and must have science and technology, policy impact, especially production organization.
Rural agriculture continues to be the backbone of the economy
Addressing the conference, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc emphasized the large number of people living in agriculture with 40% of rural workers. Looking back on a year of hard work of the country's agriculture with catastrophic accidents, the Prime Minister estimated that these factors lost nearly $ 1.7 billion, directly affecting the country's growth.
But with strong will, the right solution, the agriculture and rural development sector is still growing at the end of the year, the prime minister said.
"Rural agriculture continues to be the backbone of the Vietnamese economy in all circumstances contributing greatly to the social welfare of the country, especially in the food structure and international integration," the prime minister said. show.
At the meeting, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc would like to thank the farmers, salt makers and fishermen who have fought a frosty sunshine with the Party and State overcoming difficulties, developing agriculture under the conditions of natural calamities. Harsh, bring benefits to the country.
Prime Minister noted the results of the sector has directed, actively do well in disaster prevention.
According to the Prime Minister, the good news is that this year, the high-tech agricultural model appeared in many provinces and cities; The agricultural restructuring has initially resulted in many good practices such as in Dong Thap, Lam Dong, Quang Ninh, Thai Binh.
The biggest drawback is the deadline
Addressing the shortcomings of this basic economic sector, the Prime Minister stated that the biggest constraint was limited land allocation, agricultural enterprises, co-operatives were weak, science and technology applied to agriculture There are many problems. The food safety is inadequate and the inputs are limited by seeds, fertilizers, insecticides, etc.
In addition, the PM was not satisfied with the restrictions on e-commerce application in agricultural trade; Production is small, retail with household economy is popular; The policy of arranging agricultural and forestry farms is not really satisfactory; Land depletion and deforestation continue to threaten the country's development. It is unfortunate that there is a situation in some localities despite the conditions, but not yet focused on building new rural areas while this is really a revolution for farmers; Reservoirs, irrigation systems deteriorate, threaten people's lives; The inspection system in the agricultural sector has not met requirements.
Any citizen, organization or enterprise that makes hi-tech agriculture are welcome but do not make the movement and especially do not follow the mechanism of application. Credit packages of 50,000-60,000 billion dong for hi-tech agriculture will be deployed at many banks to create a ventilation mechanism for people in need, the Prime Minister said.
Referring to the major orientations of the country's agriculture in 2017, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc affirmed that agriculture together with information technology and tourism remained the strength of Vietnam in the technological revolution. 4, is the comparative advantage of the economy. Therefore, agricultural production needs to pay more attention to the value than raw and hence the demand for branding of agricultural products is an urgent issue now.
According to the Prime Minister, an agricultural industry that is constantly suffering from the effects of climate change as in our country needs to focus on restructuring production accordingly; To move towards a smart agriculture and agriculture not only to apply science and technology to high value products, but also to address social welfare and livelihood issues for farmers. .
"The growth of agricultural growth is great, and this is a big question today," the prime minister said.
Regarding the specific solutions, the Prime Minister instructed the first task is to do well to overcome natural disasters, especially infrastructure; Organize a special winter spring season to ensure the Tet holiday for people in disaster areas, do not let relatives stop eating, hungry.
The Prime Minister directed the agricultural restructuring from the breadth to the depth, not the quantity, to set up a task force in agricultural restructuring while listening to the breath of the farmer who just caught up the trend of integration. The prime minister said.
This is accompanied by a more productive organization that fits in with the multi-stakeholder model of engaging in value chains in agriculture. Promote fine-grained agriculture, raise the value of agricultural products, and continue to exploit stronger international integration.
Particularly stressed the revision of the land regime, "unbind" for agriculture, the Prime Minister clearly state which policies binding rural agriculture under the jurisdiction of the Prime Minister, the Prime Minister will sign the dump, longer For matters falling under the competence of the National Assembly and the Central Government, the competent bodies shall propose the annulment thereof.
"Institutions are ours, but we are afraid of them, and we must abolish them for the sake of agriculture and the countryside, The government, the authorities, avoided backward regulation and forced people to live forever, "said Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc.
Also at the meeting, the Prime Minister asked the Ministry of Science and Technology to concentrate efforts on scientific development for agricultural and rural development. Local leaders and agricultural workers must be good at training and pay special attention to agricultural and rural development.

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