Poverty escapes from pig farming

: Monday - 09/01/2017 10:20  |  Viewed: 1200
From Nguyen Thi Van (38 years old), living in Hien Dung Village, Vinh Hoa Commune, Vinh Linh District, Quang Tri Province, has become a poor household. The owner of the pig raising model earns more than 150 million VND per year.

Formerly one of the families with special circumstances difficult when her husband unfortunately gut complications, loss of labor. She became the main laborer in the family raising two children to study with a mother-in-law sick bed. The life of her family is only in relying on a few parcels of land, rice fields. But with determination to rise out of poverty, after many nights thinking, she decided to invest in raising pigs.
At first, her family focused only on raising porkers but due to lack of capital, lack of experience as well as breeding techniques, she encountered many difficulties. The peak is the time of the blue ear outbreak that caused her pig to die a lot. However, with the support and encouragement of the family and sisters in the Women's Union of Vinh Hoa Commune, she continues raising the dream of escaping from pigs. In 2015, her family is supported by Van. Loans 50 million from the Social Policy Bank of Vinh Linh.
Having learned from previous failures, Van has actively participated in technical training courses on raising pigs organized by the Women's Union of Vinh Ho commune in collaboration with the Agriculture and Rural Development High School. Having learned the technology, she decided to invest the loan amount to build modern breeding facilities with the system of treating animal waste, biogas and purchasing quality seed. Due to perseverance, hard to learn, she gradually mastered the technology of raising porkers and accumulated experience as well as capital to expand the scale of raising and initially stabilize the family economy.

Without stopping there, it was found that only pig raising was not active and the breeding needs of pigs farmers in and out of the commune is increasing, Ms. Van has raised more reproductive sows to provide breeding. For family and relatives in the area. Currently, her family is breeding 30 sows reproduce, selling 100 to 150 porkers each year, bringing the revenue from 150 to 200 million. Thanks to the income from raising pigs, she repairs spacious houses and feeds two children to study.
Her family is one of the fastest and most effective households out of poverty in Vinh Hoa commune. Talking about future plans, she shared: "My family will invest more capital, renovate, expand the breeding facilities, actively apply technology to raise livestock for the most effective. Besides, applying clean pig farming process to supply the market is what I want to aim for. "
Not only good breeding, Van is also the leader in the movement, social activities in the locality. Le Thi Thanh Xuan, Chairwoman of the Women's Union of Vinh Hoa Commune, said: "With the active and effective response to the poor women's economic mothership, Self-esteem, self-esteem, fidelity, commitment, Nguyen Thi Van is a typical example for the whole village.

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