P.KHKT - August handover and plan for deployment of September tasks of the agricultural PMU

: Monday - 12/09/2016 10:20  |  Viewed: 1188
On September 5, 2016 at the 9th floor meeting hall, the Agricultural Projects Management Board held a task briefing in August and deployed the work in September 2016.

Attending the meeting were the full board members as well as the key staff of professional bureaus; Programs / Projects.


1. The direction of the Board:

In August, the head of the department has focused on directing and executing some key tasks as follows:

- Meetings of the professional bureaus.

- Meetings of projects on bidding, disbursement and settlement.

- 2nd Phase Design Report on Research Institute for Aquaculture I.

- Meeting schedule for implementing CRSD and VNSAT projects.

- Meeting on capital construction investment at the Ministry.

- Attending the meeting of Deputy PM Trinh Dinh Dung at MARD.

- Meetings on basic construction work with the Minister; Meeting with the ADB Donor Spring Team (03 projects included in the Central, LCASP, Tay Nguyen Project).

- Attending the meeting of the Directorate of Water Resources in the Ministry and attending the preliminary conference on Coastal Resources for sustainable development in Nghe An.

- JICA project team meeting.

- Organized the inspection mission of the CRSD project in Nghe An, Binh Dinh, to inspect the MNPB projects in Phu Tho, Bac Giang and Hoa Binh provinces (in coordination with the Department of Environmental Protection Management).

2. Regarding the implementation of travel documents:

In August, Ban received a total of 140 documents to come and issue 240 documents out, among the official letters issued by the Board are:

+ There are 39 decisions: Division: TCHC (10); TCKT (9); Science: (13); QLTV (7)

+ There are 60 advisory documents of 4 Divisions;

+ The project issued 141 documents.

3. Performance results of the main departments:

A) Performing the task according to the conclusion of the head at the briefing session with the professional sections on 8/8/2016:

From 8/8/2016 to 31/8/2016, the Divisions have performed 3/19 tasks and are coordinating the implementation of 16/19 tasks assigned at the conclusion of the Chief in the briefing session of the Division ( August 08).

B) Results of the implementation of the August mission of the specialized departments:

* Organization and Administration:

- Report MARD on the implementation of human resource development master plan.

- Chief of Staff appointed 02 Deputy Heads of Finance and Accounting Department, Deputy Director of LIFSAP Project.

- Work with MARD on arranging document storage for the Board. General review of the classification of documents stored in the warehouse.

- Prepare report content, documents for the mission to inspect the emulation and reward work of the Management Board.

- Revise the operation manual of the CRSD Project Guideline, the Northern Mountainous Region, to clarify the inadequacies of the guideline of the Project Board and the Manual.

- Drafting the progress of ISO implementation. Review new legal updates related to Project activities.

- Complete updating and validating public servant records on the database.

- Carrying out the staffing inspection in 2016. Updating and reporting on labor time with the fingerprint of the Board. Carry out repairs and procurement of some equipment for the Office of the Board of Agricultural Projects Management.

- Coordinate with the Ministry's Office to carry out the tasks related to management, organization, operation and maintenance, repair and maintenance of equipment at the office of the Board.

- Coordinate with the Ministry's Office to settle monthly service expenses of the whole Board.

- Implement office management, meeting room management to ensure the landscape, order, safety, fire prevention, health and environmental sanitation in the agency.

* Department of Planning - Engineering:

- Reviewing, adjusting and supplementing Thanh Luong irrigation sub-project and inter-communal water supply project in Mai Chau district, Hoa Binh province (MNPB project), adjusting the economic-technical report "Infrastructure Upgrading for Research Institute for Aquaculture No.1" - CRSD Project and Review and Supplement of Technical Report on Pilot Solutions for Nhau Pass under subproject No. 35, Thai Nguyen Province .

- Consider and submit to the Ministry for extension of contract execution time. Package: Infrastructure upgrading for Research Institute for Aquaculture No. 3 (PR.18 / WRIA3 / PCU).

- Considering and commenting on the modification of the contract form for the DL03 sub-project (Krong Nang district) under Dak Lak province's pilot project.

- Checking, reviewing contractor selection results No. 03 (TDA3-XL3 / TL / 2015) Sub-project "Upgrading and solidifying the main canal of Bac Ba Bau" in Binh Thuan province (Central Project );

- Advising on the handling of bidding situations of the bidding package for the consultancy on building a water-saving irrigation system for banana trees of the MNPB project;

- Regulate allocation of development investment capital for 2016 for QSEAP;

- Report to the Ministry of Planning 2017 of the projects under the Management Board of Agriculture projects;

- Appraisal of equipment tender packages: In August, the appraisal department of 8 bidding packages, in which 06 packages are submitted to the head for approval; 02 bidding packages are under evaluation;

- Join the working delegation in Nghe An, Binh Dinh (CRSD project) and Bac Giang, Phu Tho (MNPB project)

* Financial Accounting:

- Completion of cost estimation submitted to the Budget Approving Board of 05 cost packages, LIFSAP and LCASP Project Workshops, LICs payment check for some projects.

- Proposal of the head of the Settlement Advisory Team for the LIFSAP Phase 1 and QSEAP Project to speed up the settlement progress and solve the difficulties.

- Coordinate with the Finance Department to inspect the accounting and finance work in some provinces in the Central Highlands Infrastructure Project and Central Region Rural Development Project - KVBS, finalizing the Central Highlands Rural Development Project in Ninh Thuan province.

- Conducting meetings to thoroughly guide and guide projects on the estimation of consultancy packages due to changes in consultancy salary regulations under the guidance of the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs; Society.

- Guiding projects to carry out procedures for short-term contractor designation for bidding packages for property, goods and services under VND 100 million.

* Division of Management and Planning:

- Appraisal:

In August, the department reviewed the evaluation and commented on 18 consultancy packages. There are opinions on 8 domestic consultants in LIFSAP project, because the project has no plans to select contractors so the department will look in advance with the project to send early to the agencies. Lips, expert opinion. After the selection of contractors approved by MARD, the selection of consultants will be carried out to speed up the progress.

- Acceptance test:

During the month, the department participated in the acceptance of LIC consultancy products of Central and Central Highlands projects and accepted the products of CC projects. Based on the Document for Accelerating Payment, Disbursement of Administrative Procedures for Contracts Over Time, the Department will not participate in the review of the Monthly Attendance Schedule since August 1, 2016 only conduct extraordinary or periodic inspection.
- Other activities:

+ Review of decentralized documents for projects; Review and consolidate the plan of bidding for consultancy projects in 2016;

+ Review the approval of the PIM, PAM, POM manual of the projects under the Board;

+ Reviewing, reviewing the management and quality of consultancy in the second quarter of the projects under the department.

- New project development:

+ Continue to prepare activities for JICA project 5: On August 2, the launching meeting of project preparation team; The Ministry of Planning and Investment has issued a written request for comments on the proposed loan project; APMB has submitted to the Ministry for approval the Criteria for Selection of TDA.

+ Carry out other activities to promote the construction of new projects.


1. Administrative Organization Department:

- Preparation of MARD staffing inspection documents.

- Carrying out the work of Personnel Organization in 2016.

- Review new legal updates related to the project activity. Make repairs, purchase some equipment for the Office of the Board.

- Coordinate with the Fire Prevention and Fighting Police Department of Hanoi to carry out fire prevention and fighting according to regulations.

- Coordinate with the Military Command of Tay Ho District to carry out national defense and security tasks in accordance with regulations (such as training, training, participation in sport ...).

- Implement office management, meeting room management to ensure the landscape, order, safety, fire prevention, health and environmental hygiene in the agency.

2. Planning and Technical Division:

- Complete the regulations on the order of elaboration, appraisal and approval of the overall training plan and annual training plan;

- Continue to review and adjust the 2016 plan for projects;

- Strengthen working delegations to inspect and supervise the bidding and quality control of works at key projects according to the plan already approved and approved by the head.

3. Finance and Accounting Department:

- Continue to coordinate with Finance Department to speed up the settlement of expenditures in 2015 by the Central PMUs and finalization of completed projects submitted to MARD.

- Cooperate with the Audit Offices of some provinces in MNPB Project.

- To set up internal regulations on inspection, guidance and management of project audits so as to effectively use audit data and fight against waste and duplication.

- Continuing to examine the task of economic development in some provinces of Tay Nguyen Infrastructure and Environment Project and issue guiding documents on economic development for 02 projects.

- Carrying out the appraisal work according to regulations.

4. Division of Management and Planning:

- Carry out appraisal of consultancy tender packages according to regulations.

- Completion of the evaluation of Q2 / 2016 consultancy activities of the subordinate projects.

- Continuing the Chief of Advisory Board on management consultancy activities.

- To continue stepping up the work of elaborating new programs and projects.

At the end of the working session, the head of the project management board urges the programs / projects to make greater efforts to speed up the disbursement, improve the planning and accounting work, and focus on urging To direct local programs / projects to implement their assigned plans.

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