Ninh Thuan # x3A; To actively prevent epidemic diseases in cattle

: Monday - 05/12/2016 10:20  |  Viewed: 1213
Since the beginning of the year, the epidemic situation has been basically controlled, but before the wet weather it is favorable for the development of pathogenic microorganisms. Meanwhile, after prolonged periods of drought, livestock herds have not fully recovered, so the risk of disease outbreak for livestock is very large.

According to the Department of Animal Health and Veterinary of Ninh Thuan province, recently, foot and mouth disease (FMD) occurred in some communes as: Phuoc Chinh (Bac Ai); In Phuoc Thai, Phuoc Hau, Phuoc Huu and An Hai (Ninh Phuoc) communes, there were 422 cases, of which 25 died.
Immediately after the epidemic was detected, the provincial Sub-Department of Animal Health and Veterinary Sub-Departments coordinated with the local authorities to directly inspect and quickly implement measures to prevent and control outbreaks; To spray disinfecting chemicals disinfection area. Provinces have also strengthened the propaganda so that people actively prevent disease. Particular attention should be paid to isolating diseased cattle and controlling people not to transport, trade, slaughter cattle or cattle in the area during the time of disease. To date, the disease situation has been stable, controlled and controlled. Since November 20, no new FMD cases and recovered animals have emerged.
Mr. Truong Khac Tri, Director of the Provincial Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Sub-Department, said that the Sub-Department of Animal Health (FMD) has implemented the second round of FMD vaccination for the 2-2016 season for cattle and buffaloes (vaccination and vaccination) With 62,000 doses have been done and the total amount of chemicals distributed to the district from the beginning of the year to carry out disinfection is 6.678 liters of Benkocid (used 2,469 liters and the remainder of history The use is 4,209 liters). However, before the urgent request, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development approved the addition of 10,000 doses of FMD vaccines for emergency vaccination (in December 2016) to communes with high risk The communes have low vaccination rates to improve the rate of vaccination and prevent recurrent FMD.
Mr. Truong Khac Tri added: FMD is a disease caused by virus, there are no specific drugs but must pay attention to prevent, do good housekeeping and care, good isolation of cattle Get sick For cattle who have been vaccinated with FMD, they are not worried about the disease, but they should be aware of the unvaccinated animals. When the disease is diagnosed, households need to be treated by using lemon juice, acid solution to be sterilized to prevent infection and germs to penetrate through the wound. It is necessary to report immediately to the veterinary staff to be guided, well implemented prevention methods correctly ...

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