LCASP Project - Notification of Contractor Selection Results; Package No. 21 - Domestic consultant planning commercial business finance

: Sunday - 24/01/2016 22:20  |  Viewed: 1304

Contractor selection results
Package 21: Domestic consultant to make business finance plan

The Low Carbon Agriculture Support Project (LCASP)


LCASP Project - Announcement of contractor selection results - Package 21: Domestic consultant to make financial plan for commercial business

Form selection IC
Package price (VND) 541,550,000
The winning price (VND) 541,550,000
Name of consultant Nguyen Thi Bich Hanh
Approval Decision No. 80 / QD-DANN-QLTV & XDDA dated 14/01/2016
Contract form From time to time
Duration of contract 10 months / person

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