Large swine raising in the residential area, people suffocate because of stench

: Tuesday - 03/01/2017 10:20  |  Viewed: 1400
For many years, hundreds of households in Thach Ngoc commune, Thach Ha district (Ha Tinh) have to live with the stench, dirty waste from the breeding facilities of spontaneous breeding households in residential areas. Covered throughout the village is the stench of stench that sticks directly to the nose, causing the passerby to suffocate ...

The road leading to My Chau hamlet is near the kilometer of wet rainy days with cow dung, buffalo dung; Drainage ditches on the sides of the black line, flies buoy. Covered throughout the village is the stench of stench that sticks directly to the nose, causing the passerby to choke.

Many careless households discharged waste water causing serious environmental pollution

Some villagers in My Chau hamlet said that in order to increase their incomes, some households in the village invest in breeding pens for livestock and poultry on a small scale.

But in recent years, the movement of farm households on garden land has been quite popular and popular, many households have built new houses or raised cages to expand the scale, making living environment increasingly polluted. This will create conditions for mosquitoes and mosquitoes to develop and seriously affect their health and life.

My Chau village has many spontaneous producers with a few pigs or more, but most of them have not yet built a tank or tank that does not have enough storage capacity.

As a result, the sewage flowed directly into the ditches of the village and then poured into the fields, even spreading the entire road leading to the stench that covered the residential areas, especially the hot days.

Nguyen Gia Nuoi's family, My Chau village has 12 meat pigs, 2 sows and dozens of piglets. Despite the release of this year, his family has not built a biogas tank. Every day, the waste from the piggy bank connects directly to the drainage ditch in front of the house and goes out to the field. Mrs Nhuc (his wife) acknowledged: "It is said that when building biogas tanks will be supported by the government 3 million but my family has no conditions to do. The smell is bad but in this area they are raised, there are home to dozens of children.

When asked to build biogas tanks, she shook her head: "It is not known yet! Construction of the tank must have area but the cages have occupied most of the land, then do not know where to put tanks.

The lake is located close to Nguyen Thi Niem's ​​house, the village is covered in black, smelly. Although admitting the discharge to the environment makes the air polluted but the daily wastewater in her pigsty she is still "neutral" to go out.

Waste water flows through the drainage ditches into the field.

She said: "The family raised 33 porkers and two buffaloes. Because the capacity of biogas tank is only 9m3, not enough wastewater should be discharged. Despite bad smell and environmental pollution but not discharge tank will overload, several weeks to sell out this batch of pigs I will not take care of anymore.

In order to prevent odors and environmental pollution, people often have to close the door, when wearing uniformly wear boots and hand out to avoid itching. Not only affect the air, the villagers are concerned, in the long term the waste soaked underground, affecting the groundwater source will cause unfortunate epidemic.

Le Thanh Hai, Chairman of Thach Ngoc Commune People's Committee acknowledged that in recent years, there has been a spontaneous and widespread situation in the commune. Most concentrated in Bac Tien, Moc Hai, Dong Chau.

Preliminary statistics in the commune currently have about 200 households raising pigs from 20 or more, while the rate of new biogas tank is 70%. Moreover, most of the tanks are not guaranteed or have too small capacity compared to the number of herds of livestock and poultry. There are many tanks only once deposited and pushed straight out the ditch, drainage ditch.

"The pollution situation in livestock is at an alarming rate. We have invited livestock producers to work and analyze for them that discharge to the environment greatly affects the groundwater, polluting habitats in residential areas. At the same time, down to mobilize people to invest in waste treatment systems or relocate farms to areas far from residential areas but failed, "he added.

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