Dong Nai; Pork farmers reduce the herd, avoid losses

: Monday - 13/02/2017 10:20  |  Viewed: 1292
After the Lunar New Year in 2017, the price of boar sold at the farm increased about 5 thousand VND / kg, currently ranges from 30 to 32 thousand VND / kg. However, at this price, pig farmers still suffer heavy losses so most farmers choose to reduce the herd, avoid losses.

According to experienced people in breeding, at this time the overweight pig situation in the population is no longer "hot" as about 2 months ago. But with many months of good solutions, the supply-demand balance of the new pork market has been balanced.

There are about 400 thousand pigs
Talking about the status of pigs due to the increase of "hot" time, Huynh Thanh Vinh, director of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, said: "At present, the province has about 400 thousand pigs are important. Quantity of 70kg or more. Meanwhile, the average demand per day in Dong Nai and export to Ho Chi Minh City is only over 5 thousand. The reason for the large amount of live pigs is due to the "hot" status in the past year. Specifically, in 2015, the total number of pigs in Dong Nai is 1.7 million. In 2016, the mutation increased to 2.1 million, leading to a surge in supplies when the Chinese market stopped importing. According to Vinh: "To solve the problem of supply-demand unbalance - this need time at least 3-4 months with a series of effective solutions. The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development is calling on businesses in the processing industry to increase the purchase of pigs. On the other hand, pig farmers have to look at the market to adjust the size of the herd timely to avoid losses as far as farming.
Mr. Nguyen Kim Doan, Vice Chairman of Dongnai Animal Husbandry Association, commented on the occasion of Lunar New Year holiday, the situation of some households raising pigs is too large (over 1.5 quintals) Pork fat But now, this type of pig has been purchased by traders for over 30 thousand VND / kg. According to Guan, pigs overweight of over 1.5 quintessence remain in the population is not much. Since a few months before the Chinese market stopped eating, farmers actively took out pigs early and did not buy fat pigs for sale to China as before.

Reduce the flock, improve the quality
After the Lunar New Year, pig prices show signs of recovery despite the fact that this is a vegetarian month, the demand for pork consumption is lower than usual, which makes livestock farmers expect the pig market will be less bleak in the future. However, the current selling price of live pigs is still far away from production costs, so most farms consider to reduce the herd, avoid losses. According to the Dong Nai Animal Husbandry Association, although there are no specific statistics, many small livestock households with no capital to maintain have "suspended" the cages. Many large scale farms also actively reduce the number of sows from 10-20% and will gradually reduce pigs. However, it took months to see the effect of reducing herds and balancing supply and demand for the market.
Mr. Sin A Minh, a member of GAHP 1 Hung Loc Cooperative (Thong Nhat district), shared: "Thanks to the participation of 2 enterprises involved in VietGAHP pigs, there is no pig situation in this area. . While pig prices are now higher than before Lunar New Year, some pigs that have gained weight still wait 10 more days to breed with the expectation of a better price for the month of Lent. " Although the output is covered but with the sale price is still much lower than the cost of production, most pig households in Hung Loc have chosen to sell piglets, but not repopulated; At the same time, we focus on tightening the production process to save costs and increase product quality.
On the same point, Tran Quang Trung, a pig farmer with 2 thousand pigs in Gia Tan 3 (Thong Nhat district), commented: "Now, traders are looking for pigs, the price is also up. Not like before Tet. People need money to cover the sell out to sell off the price of pigs fell sharply despite the peak consumption. Despite the increase but the price of pigs is still low, so my family just trying to maintain the total stock, focusing on care to improve quality. Pork raising is now too precarious, we expect the State to organize the chain link breeding in the direction of safety, there are contracts to buy products to stabilize output.

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