Ben Luc (Long An) Pig slightly price, farmers have difficulty

: Monday - 27/02/2017 10:20  |  Viewed: 1308
Currently, 100kg of boar is priced from 2.8 to 3.2 million. At this price, households with seed source at home can deduct capital or loss less, the remaining households losses from 800 to 1 million.

According to the calculations of pig farmers in Ben Luc district, Long An province to buy a pig from age to sell, farmers have to take 3 - 3.5 months. In particular, input costs include: breeding animals, feed, veterinary medicine, electricity, water, ... about 3.6 to 3.8 million per child.
Le Thi Banh, Village 6, Binh Duc Commune, said that in the past her pigs had more than 10 sows and more than 30 pigs, but now there is only one sow and some pigs. meat.
"Despite the purchase of original price, self-produced breeding and prevention of pig disease at home, but when I go to the cage I also suffer losses of about 600,000 per child. If this situation lasts in the coming time, the farmers hold much longer with only 1-2 litters anymore, "Ms. Banh laments.
The total number of pigs in the district is currently about 17,000, down by more than 5,000 compared to the end of 2016. The main reason is that the price of pigs has been reduced for a long time. paste.
According to the herdsman, from the beginning of 2016 until now, the price of food has increased four times, of which one is 10,000 dong per bag in the seventh lunar month and three times in the eight lunar month with 4,000 dong each.
Not stop there, recently, veterinary medicine also increased about 3%. Livestock feed, veterinary medicine prices rise or high while pig prices are sharply reduced, adding to the pressure on farmers to lose.
Pork breeders can not be prolonged waiting for prices, so even though they can not make up for their investment capital, households still accept to sell their losses. The "output" problem for pigs is very important for the government, the sector to ensure that the livestock farmers can be comfortable with the job.

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