Attach ear tag to VietGAHP pig

: Wednesday - 09/11/2016 10:20  |  Viewed: 1147
Besides coordinating with Ho Chi Minh City Department of Industry and Trade to implement the project of applying information technology to manage, identify and trace origin of pork, VietGAHP pig when sold.

The ear tags are intended for traceability of pigs that meet the VietGAHP (Good Animal Husbandry Practices) standard when slaughtered and distributed to the market.
Pigs have "identity card"
Project Management Unit of Dong Nai LIFSAP (Livestock Breeding and Food Safety Project) said that this unit is coordinating Dong Nai Department of Animal Husbandry - Animal Health to press the ear tag for certified pigs. VietGAHP when finished. The ear tag for VietGAHP pigs helps control, management trace origin of pigs when put on slaughter, distributed to the market. The ear tags also contain information on the household owner, date and time of stocking, information veterinary quarantine ... The organization tagged update information on VietGAHP pig farm when the pig is considered to be the solution better in Traceability of clean pigs. Mr. Phan Minh Bau - Deputy Director of Dong Nai Department of Agriculture and Rural Development said that in order to easily trace the origin of VietGAHP pig products, Dong Nai has implemented ear tags for pigs in standard households. GAHP with a total card number of more than 40,000.
According to Tran Van Quang - Director of Dong Nai Department of Animal Health, with the determination to control food safety in the livestock sector, this area focuses on developing safe breeding areas. Up to now, the LIFSAP project has built up three GAHP regions with more than 1,000 participating households, belonging to 52 GAHP groups. Of these, 622 HHs of GAHP groups have been certified for VietGAHP. Although fiercely controlling food safety issues, however, the monitoring of pig origin of GAHP households has been limited to intensive cardiac slaughter facilities. Heo VietGAHP has not been identified due to the wear tag during the breeding process to sell damaged, fall ... Therefore, the rate of pigs wearing card when entering the slaughter facilities are very few.
VietGAHP raising pigs
Prior to the demand for quality assurance of livestock products, Dong Nai is stepping up the development of VietGAHP breeding areas and at the same time associating small and large households into larger, stronger GAHP groups. According to Dong Nai Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, VietGAHP certification was previously granted to individual producers, but starting in 2016, GAHP groups have been transformed into cooperative groups. Since the beginning of the year, 11 GAHP cooperative groups have been granted VietGAHP certification.
Most recently, through inspection and evaluation, there are 10 GAHP cooperative groups with a total of nearly 14,000 pigs of herds in Thong Nhat district are eligible for VietGAHP certification. Pork products with VietGAHP certification are purchased by some businesses.
However, according to Nguyen Kim Doan - Vice Chairman of the Dong Nai Livestock Association, the development of VietGAHP breeding is still very difficult for small and small producers. The reason is because the breeding habits of her children are still very old, no diary details, clear. Moreover, in the traceability program launched by DARD, many farmers are concerned about the limited level of information technology.
Moreover, according to Guan, the difficulty in convincing farmers to invest in VietGAHP pigs is not yet forming a sustainable linkage from production to consumption, the majority of households still have to sell their products to traders. Drive, clean pig has not been identified ...
Meanwhile, a representative of a slaughtering and processing business said that the existing VietGAHP pig production was only able to meet a part of the demand of the market. In the near future, businesses will continue to work with cooperatives, cooperative groups to link VietGAHP pigs.
According to DARD of Dong Nai province, this locality proposed in the coming time, when the functional agencies organize the market of agricultural products in the country, the content of the identification of small breeding facilities, farms to From there it is easy to trace the origin of the product when sold on the market.

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