Animal husbandry and environmental challenge

: Wednesday - 21/09/2016 10:20  |  Viewed: 1195
In some places, the "hot" growth of the herd has created a huge amount of organic waste that threatens the fresh environment of many rural areas.

Over the past years, the livestock sector in Vietnam has a strong breakthrough. The shift from small scale farm scales, scattered, mixed residential areas to farm scale and concentrated farms is the inevitable path.

But in some places, the "hot" growth of the herd has created a huge amount of organic waste that threatens the fresh environment of many rural areas.

Many livestock farms in Vietnam are facing great environmental challenges

Most farms do not meet environmental standards yet

According to Mr. Nguyen Trong Tan, Coordinator of Nam Dinh LCASP project: Currently, most large scale pig farms in Nam Dinh still do not ensure environmental sanitation of all criteria.

Although before entering the breeding stock, the farmer has invested in the construction of a waste treatment area that pollutes the environment. But when breeding in large quantities, after a while the amount of manure, wastewater exceeds the capacity of the treatment system. At the same time these works have not been verified by functional units of quality, so it is not certain whether its performance is really effective.

Mr. Tan also said that some large scale farms in the locality polluted the environment, affecting the health and life of people.

Even farms have been fined up to 70 million dong by the environmental police for direct emissions that pollute the environment. Having a farm, the authorities must issue a written suspension of operation for a period of 6 months, after finishing the system of treatment of animal waste is newly licensed to operate again.

In Nam Dinh, only about 20% of the total farms are built in concentrated livestock farms, while the remaining 75-80% are built around residential areas, polluting the environment. The risk of disease to livestock and people.

According to Tran Trung Hieu, head of Nghia Hung district agriculture department (Nam Dinh province), the whole district has about 30 large scale breeding farms, but over the past 3 years, only one household registered to build biogas reactors in Program of the project.

Mr. Hieu said: "In breeding, everyone wants to invest in biogas. But in fact, in the locality, the project is mainly small-scale, household size, and the size of the camp is very small. By part, these farms are far from residential areas, so they have the option of constructing waste water tanks, sewage or self-biogas digester. If according to the process of environmental treatment, certainly all farms in the area do not thoroughly pat ".

Fertilizer is still pouring out

In Bac Giang, the price of commercial pigs has risen over time. People push up livestock to light up the chance to get rich. The province has about 600 pig farms with 1,000 or more pigs. At the same time there are 3,500 - 4,000 farms, scale from 100 to 700 children.

According to Mr. Dao Xuan Vinh, Deputy Director of Bac Giang Low Carbon Agricultural Support Project, among the 117,000 households involved in raising cattle and poultry, only 35,000 households have invested in construction and installation. Biogas works. Even though many biogas works have been built but are inefficiently operated or do not handle thoroughly the livestock waste.

In fact, many farms invest in the construction of biogas reactors with small capacity (less than 50m3) in order to deal with environmental inspection forces. To justify this, farm owners often say that they only put some of the solid waste and rinsing water into the biogas reactor, while most of the manure was collected, bagged and sold to farming areas. .

However, that is hardly possible. Because commercial pigs are produced on an industrial scale, the stools of pigs are very lax, in combination with regular rinse water, so it is impossible to separate solid waste for bagging. Drying methods can only be practiced on farms specializing in breeding sows for sale.

According to Vinh, in many cases, the farmer chooses how to dig the pond and then discharged waste, turning them into huge fecal deposits. This huge dung hole is camouflaged by growing water hyacinth above the pond surface. It is also the case that, when too much waste is involved, they hire a tanker to siphon the stools and sell them to aquaculture producers.

In essence, it is not a means of treating animal waste, as pollutants move from place to place. Mr. Vinh also frankly admitted, along with the development of animal husbandry, Bac Giang has formed pollution points, causing urgent public opinion.

There is a need for a comprehensive solution to thoroughly treat waste at animal farms

Some localities in Tan Yen district (Bac Giang) are facing environmental pollution. According to statistics, the district has up to 250 pig farms, scale 300-400 pig meat / batch; Hundreds of farms, pig households with 50 - 100 heads / litter (concentrated in Ngoc Chau, An Duong, Viet Lap, Viet Ngoc communes).

Very difficult

Reporter NNVN visited Pham Thanh Hinh's cage with a size of 40 gilts, in addition to the usual 250 to 300 commercial pigs owned by Pham Thanh Hinh (56 years old, Ngoc Linh village). Ngoc Chau commune, Tan Yen district).

His family invested 3 biogas reactors to treat manure and wastewater with a total volume of 16m3. In fact, the performance of the three tunnels is enough to handle about 1/15 of the farm's livestock waste. Hinh uses a part of the waste to dispose of 3 fishponds in the family (one of which is 1 pond and 2 ponds 10 sao). 70-80% of the remaining waste is hand-picked, packed in sacks and transported by automobiles to fish farms, farm farms.

In Ngoc Chau commune, pig farms of Mr. Nguyen Van Bau, Nguyen Van Duyen and Nguyen Van Thai are about the same size as Mr. Hinh's farm but also invest in the construction of small biogas reactors (about 30m3 ). Functional forces have already decided to penalize these farms because of environmental pollution.

Tran Hung, Director of the Provincial Sub-Department of Animal Health in Ha Tinh, said that the province has more than 200 large scale pig farms, Of which 165 pig farms and 45 pig farms. The management of the environment in these farms through the environmental impact assessment report approved by competent authorities. However, recently, the Department of Natural Resources and Environment (MOH) has been in charge of surveying and evaluating with the concerned units that many farms have not properly implemented the procedures and regulations in operation, Licensing discharge.

Before the alarming environmental pollution in some animal husbandry situations in Vietnam, the Government of Vietnam has a number of policies to assist farmers in solving this problem. And so far, the low-carbon agriculture support project, funded by the Asian Development Bank's loans, has been very effective in its goal of reducing environmental pollution, Environmentally-friendly husbandry environment, mixed with residential areas.

The project is continuing to study other solutions, to more thoroughly handle the problem of raising farms on a farm scale. With a team of professional and experienced consultants, it is possible to believe that in the future, the project will introduce new integrated technologies to solve environmental problems on farms, contributing to To promote the sustainable and efficient breeding.

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