9X men take billions from raising chickens, pigs clean quot;

: Friday - 23/09/2016 10:20  |  Viewed: 1172
Taking advantage of local advantages, applying science and technology to production, Bui Dang Thich (Hamlet 7, Duc Son commune, Anh Son district) has successfully developed a livestock model, with a "clean" process. ", Earning over one billion dong each year.

After graduating from high school, he likes to work in the South for some farms. After a period of accumulated experience, knowledge of production, 2011 he came home to set up. His hometown has a large land advantage, the food supply for livestock is quite plentiful, so Thich boldly develop models of breeding farms, applying science and technology, with the process of "clean".
At first, Thich focused investment in raising pork meat. Despite the good breeding performance, after each litter is sold, the seed source for raising new litter is scarce. To actively source the seed for the family farm itself, and at the same time meet the needs of breeding pigs for local farmers, he has borrowed money to invest in concentrated pig farms. On the area of ​​about 1,800m2 of hill garden, he built a system of stable housing, including breeding sow and pig raising. In each cage housing is invested bath, semi-automatic feeding system, camera to monitor the development and change the health of pigs.
Sharing the secret of breeding, Mr. Bui Dang Thich said: Every month, I conduct spraying deodorant twice to ensure the breeding facilities and surroundings are always kept clean, germs. At the same time, vaccination for livestock technically correct. The main source of food is maize and rice purchased by local people. "
Thanks to the closed production process and strictly follow the vaccination so the pigs grow healthy, less disease. From 30 sows and 3 exotic pigs, each year he propagates and sells nearly 700 breeding pigs to markets inside and outside the district.
Success with the sow production model, Thich continued to invest in raising broiler. Thanks to knowledge of breeding, he always takes the initiative in selecting breeding animals, preventing disease, ensuring proper feed for chicken. He is raising chickens by free-range method in the hill garden, so the meat quality is delicious.
In order to find out the product output, Thich promotes broadcasting, connecting through Intrernet channels. As a result, customers know more about his hen farm. Each year he feeds 2 litters each, over 3,000 litters, sells over 8 tons of broilers. The commercial chicken market of the farm is mainly Vinh City and Hanoi.
With the acumen, dynamism, know how to apply science and technology in breeding, so far Bui Dang Thich has built a model of high-income economic development; Is the dream of many local youth. With the model of raising sow and chicken production each year his family income over 1 billion, excluding interest costs about 500 million. Thich not only enrich his family, he also created jobs for three regular workers, with a salary of over 3 million per month.
Mr. Tran Quang Trung, Chairman of Farmers Association of Duc Son Commune said: "Currently, Mr. Thich is bidding to add 4 hectares of land to expand the breeding farm. Add more than 300 commercial pigs. The commune promotes propaganda and encourages people to come to the farm to study and create technical conditions for them to expand the breeding model in order to exploit the advantages and develop the local economy. "

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